Delete fB account ...

 J. Hellenthal

The fact that there's a highway to Hell but only a stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

> On Apr 9, 2019, at 21:05, Nathan Anderson <> wrote:
> Fellow NetOps,
> I realize this is an unorthodox / off-topic request, but I've been trying to 
> help a friend out and don't know how to advise her next.
> If there is someone from FB here who has connections to someone in account 
> security and is willing to contact me off-list, I'd really appreciate it.  A 
> friend had her FB account of many years hijacked and then held for ransom by 
> a random dude.  When she asked FB to intercede, she appeared to have her 
> account back for a short time (< 24 hrs) before FB themselves blocked the 
> account, and that's where we are now.  It's been over 2 weeks and she has 
> been going round and round with "CS" and getting nowhere...whoever these 
> robots are keep repeating requests for her to send in ID, which she does, and 
> then they repeat the request again and it just goes in a circle.  I have a 
> feeling that I know what's going on behind-the-scenes, but we can't seem to 
> get a living, breathing human over there who isn't just reading a script to 
> actually listen to her.  Seriously, what is the average person supposed to do 
> under these circumstances?
> If this was just the story of a lone FB account I'm not sure I would bother 
> and I'd just tell her to get a new one.  But she runs a business (popular 
> local coffee shop) with a FB page that this account of hers was apparently 
> the only admin for.
> Thanks in advance for any leads,
> -- 
> Nathan Anderson
> First Step Internet, LLC

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