Bernard Vander Beken wrote:

>I agree with simplifying this.
>A note about the examples: the 'HelloWindowsForms' example is broken, is
>there a VB.NET developer who can take a look at it?
+1 for me. I've found the multiple basedir specifications a bit confusing.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Gerry Shaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 6:09 PM
>Subject: [nant-dev] NAnt bug BaseDirectory problems in NantTask.cs
>AND/OR Project.cs (long)
>Bernard: I'm forwarding this to the group to see if we can find a
>Others: Please at least skim this and do a sanity check for the ideas.
>Nant is ambiguous of how it treat's base directories in projects.
>Currently there is a -basedir command line switch, a basedir attribute
>in the project and a basedir attribute in the <nant> task.  If all were
>set to different values would it be clear what should happen.  I believe
>Remove the -basedir command line option and basedir attribute from
><nant> task.  Standardize and document exactly how base directories
>should be concatenated within tasks.
>Ahhh... Now I see the problem, it's the basedir="....."
>There is somebody posting on the message board that is having problems
>with this as well.
>I'm quite busy today but if I have time tonight or Wed I'll try to fix
>this up and add some tests to prevent it.
>The problem is with the ambiguity of how nant defines relative paths.
>Here is what I'm going to lay down in stone and then comb through the
>project looking for area's where it breaks.  I'll then update the
>documentation to make this clear.
>Project basedir:
>* By default the project's base directory is the same as the build file
>(not the current directory).  This is the same as doing <project
>* If the basedir value is a relative path than it is relative to the
>build file, i.e., <project basedir="src"> would change the base
>directory to the "src" subdirectory (the buildfile would be in same
>folder as src).
>Tasks and File Set's basedir:
>* If the basedir value for a element (task/fileset/etc...) then it is
>combined with the Project's BaseDirectory property.  The proper way of
>initializing a directory for a task is to use the Project.GetFullPath()
>method.  This will do the right thing.  Examples:
>// Task with just a filename attribute
>string resolved = Project.GetFullPath(_fileName);
>// Task with just a basedir attribute
>string resolved = Project.GetFullPath(_baseDir);
>// Task with basedir and filename attributes
>string resolved = Project.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(_baseDir,
>Nested build files (via <nant> task)
>* By default you should just specify the build file you wish.  Early
>versions of nant had you just specify the folder but that left a problem
>when there was more than one .build file in the folder.
>* The basedir attribute on the <nant> task will be removed as it just
>causes ambiguity.  Similar the -basedir option on nant will also be
>removed.  Allowing these options makes it impossible to know for sure
>how the buildfile will be run and thus how can you write a buildfile
>that will work?  It would be wrong for a calling If a project wishes to
>change a nested build file's base dir it should set a property and then
>have the nested build file expand the property.
>This will (I hope) make it very clear on how to use the <nant> task and
>also make it easy to write nested builds that work as expected.
>Currently the nested builds for the examples has seen no end of trouble
>(and are once again broken).
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Bernard Vander Beken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Tue, April 16, 2002 3:55 AM
>>To: Gerry Shaw
>>Subject: RE: NAnt bug : BaseDirectory problems in NantTask.cs 
>>AND/OR Project.cs
>>Thanks, but this does not solve the problem.
>>The previous build file *should work* with the removed target.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Gerry Shaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 2:31 AM
>>To: Bernard Vander Beken
>>Subject: RE: NAnt bug : BaseDirectory problems in NantTask.cs 
>>AND/OR Project.cs
>>You kick ass.  With that bug report it was so easy to find
>>and fix the problem.
>>I took the offending target out of the build file but here is
>>what the output would look like if it was in:
>>C:\work\nant>build\nant extras
>>Buildfile: C:\work\nant\
>>   [tstamp] Mon, April 15, 2002 5:26:44 PM
>>   [delete] Deleting directory C:\work\nant\build
>>     [nant]
>>            Buildfile: C:\work\nant\
>>            BUILD FAILED
>>            C:\work\nant\ Error loading buildfile
>>            Could not find file "C:\work\nant\".
>>Nested build failed.  Refer to build log for exact reason. Try 'nant 
>>-help' for more information
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