the sysinfo task has a small bug, at least if you follow it's documentation.

Documentation for SysInfoTask says it will construct two different items:
sys.os.platform and sys.os.version.

However, the code never actually adds the sys.os.platform property, and only
fills in sys.os.version,. alas with the incorrect value.

To fix this, you need to change line 66 of SysInfo.cs for these two lines:
Project.Properties.Add(Prefix + "os.platform",
Project.Properties.Add(Prefix + "os.version",

Also, I think it's valuable to add a "sys.os" property that contains the
result of Environment.OSVersion.ToString(), which is what sys.os.version was
getting initialized to, and which actually doesn't contain the platform ID,
but a more readable code (i.e. "Microsoft Windows NT" instead "Win32NT"). To
do so, add this line too:

Project.Properties.Add(Prefix + "os", Environment.OSVersion.ToString());

At least if anyone's interested......
Tomas Restrepo


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