
This is how it works now, pretty much. There are already nant.exe and
nant.core.dll files in the bin folder. It is pretty easy to split up the
tasks by any type of group you want. We could even specify certain tasks
into certain assemblies (dlls) based on their stability or churn. It is
just a task in the build file :)

Would it make sense to create a NAntContrib project that is more open
than the core project? Then all these experimental, non-core tasks could
go there? Really this just depends on how people feel about access to
the main CVS tree and code.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Hurley
> Suggestion:
> Rather than fill the "next stable" with new tasks.  Why not build Nant
> as a stable build, then as developers create new tasks (such as
Brad's) it
> can be added once the wrinkles have been worked out.
> With the ease of plugging in Nant tasks, it would be trivial to build
> a separate .dll with these new "unstable" tasks.  I would end up with
> something like:
>         nant.exe
>         dev-Tasks.dll


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