Title: RE: [nant-dev] New Release Date (June 5th)

I hate to throw something in at the last minute, but I've been offline for about a week now (BTW, this list has generated a DOTNET-L volume of email in the past week).

Anyway, Scott responded back about adding a /main switch to the vbc and csc tasks to support WinForm compilation, asking to see an example.  I haven't had a chance to put together a sample yet - but I will today.

I just didn't want this to get lost in the mix.



-----Original Message-----
From: Gerry Shaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 10:26 AM
To: 'NAnt Developers'
Subject: RE: [nant-dev] New Release Date (June 5th)

Well I'm back.  Scott and Ian should be able to make releases (I meant to have at least Ian have that access).

From reading all the nant-dev email this is a summary of what I've seen (I've excluded bug reports and new tasks)

Issues I've noticed from reading nant-dev since I've come back
* Check what the default no command line argument action has been changed to.  IMO it should execute the global tasks, than the default target then exit.  It should also execute any listeners that get installed.

* Find out resolution to build file change (not) causing csc to recompile.  IMO it should not cause a recompile.
* review Project constructor changes
* are there configuration files yet?
* replace onsuccess and onfailure with buildlisteners (they were present but I removed them in favor of a listener approach - this requires build events).

* confirm that basedir on project is gone
* reflect on the ability to force a called target to execute (are we sure this is a good idea?)  I think so but I don't think the Ant team would agree.

* define a base set of "core" tasks that will ship with nant (this should be the smallest subset of tasks possible to do XP like programming).  Everything else should go into the contrib/extras/etc.. Project that Scott is setting up.


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