And we would call .ToString() on each iteration for the property value?
I'm fine with that.

But what would the xml look like?

<foreach itemtype="IEnumarable" source="???" property="item">
        <echo message="${item}"/>

Really the question is how we would get that object to the foreach. It
would need to be embedded, or referenced. Right now a Target is the only
reference-able type.

> -----Original Message-----
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Kevin Dente
> Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 1:53 PM
> To: Scott Hernandez; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: [nant-dev] Loop Task
> Sorry if I'm getting too crazy here, but how about
> making elements like FileSet implement IEnumerable,
> and have the foreach task capable of iterating over
> anything that implements that interface?
> That way you don't need to update the foreach task to
> add a new element - to make any element for-each-able,
> just add an IEnumerable implementation to the element.
> I've been working on a FileList class - it would work
> for that also. And OptionSet if we decide to keep it.
> --- Scott Hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What would you think the xml would look like?
> >
> > <foreach itemtype="fileset" source="<id>"
> > property="item">
> >     <echo message="${item}"/>
> > </foreach>
> >
> > BTW. I've now got the embedded version working.
> > <foreach itemtype="Folders" source="c:\"
> > property="currDir">
> >     <echo message="${currDir}"/>
> > </foreach>
> >
> > It works; after the first compile and everything.
> >
> > I will commit the abstract TaskWithEmbeddedTasks
> > class later today. This
> > abstract class will evaluate all internal elements
> > as tasks. It skips
> > anything with a BuildElementAttribute, or that is in
> > a special list of
> > excluded element names. The LoopTask now derives
> > from this.
> >
> >
> > Does anyone have an argument as to whether this
> > should go into the NAnt
> > core or NAntContrib? I'm leaning towards core.

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