In our NAnt project I was thinking it would be hot to query our Mantis Bug
Tracker (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mantisbt) to get a list of all bugs
which have been resolved and thus are ready for testing in the current
build.  We have a mail task which notifies a group of the new build, and I'd
like to post the list in the message body with hyperlinks to each bug.

The feedback I'm looking for is this:

In general, is anyone doing database queries in a NAnt task?  Would you mind
sharing your strategy for this?  The simple solution I imagine is a exec or
script task, but I don't know how to get the results back into NAnt.  A more
robust solution would be to build a new NAnt task.

I would suggest writing a small NAnt task that queries the database and
stores the result as XML into a user-defined file,then grabing that and
transforming it with an XSLT template into HTML or text you can include in
your message.  Doing so should be, overall, a fairly trivial exercise.

Tomas Restrepo

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