I think I'm going crazy here, so before I run off the deepend can someone tell
me if in the 20030201 build, nunit 2 support worked?

I've got what I think is correctly specified .build, the files are there, I can
test it with the nunit gui, but all I get from the nant results is:

Unable to load file '[assemblyname]'

(masked out the assemblyname, as I can't have the name of our proprietary inner
code dll searchable by google for years to come. By real assembly name, minus
the ".dll" was listed.)

Below is the xml from my task, with the assemblyname likewise censored:

<nunit2 failonerror="false">
        <test assemblyname="${build.basedir}\Debug\bin\[assemblyname].dll"

I'm using SLiNgshoT and then running an XSL against it to do all sorts of
things.  build.basedir is in the right location and the \testresults dir is
being created by a mkdir right be fore the xml I pasted.

Help?  I'm pretty sure I got this running when I was doing a much simpler
assembly - going to go try that now.


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