Title: Message
I have two NAnt build files, with one calling the other. Both include the "<sysinfo/>" line. When I run the main build file, I get the following error message. Perhaps you have already fixed this in a later version.
Randy Regnier
Buildfile: file:///E:/fw/Bld/XML/GAFAWS.build
  [sysinfo] Setting system information properties under sys.*
    [style] Processing E:\fw\Src\WW-GAFAWS\GAFAWSDataLayer\GAFAWSDataLayer.csproj to E:\fw\Obj\NAntBuild\GAFAWSDataLayer.build
     [nant] E:\fw\Obj\NAntBuild\GAFAWSDataLayer.build
            Buildfile: file:///E:/fw/Obj/NAntBuild/GAFAWSDataLayer.build
              [sysinfo] Setting system information properties under sys.*
            INTERNAL ERROR
            System.ArgumentException: Item has already been added.  Key in dictionary: "sys.clr.version"  Key being added: "sys.clr.version"
   at System.Collections.Hashtable.Insert(Object key, Object nvalue, Boolean add)
   at System.Collections.Hashtable.Add(Object key, Object value)
   at System.Collections.DictionaryBase.System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(Object key, Object value)
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Tasks.SysInfoTask.ExecuteTask()
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Task.Execute()
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Project.InitializeProjectDocument(XmlDocument doc)
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Project.Execute()
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Project.Run()
            Please send bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nested build failed.  Refer to build log for exact reason.
Try 'nant -help' for more information

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