Hello all,
I’ve used ant in the past, but now I am using nant to build .NET applications. I am running into a problem handling dependencies. Here’s the break down.
The dependencies that are handled with the “pre.build” target are built and placed in the directory where this nant script is executed (the .\bin directory). The problem occurs when the “build” target includes the dlls that are created by the “pre.build” target. The name spaces in the “pre.build” dlls are not recognized in the <include> task in the “build” target. Has anyone seen this before? Any help is much appreciated.
Bellow are the specific targets I am talking about. Thanks again….
<target name="pre.build" description="builds the dependent dlls">
<nant buildfile="${nant.project.basedir}\..\PSPerson\PSPerson.build"/>
<nant buildfile="${nant.project.basedir}\..\ADPerson\ADPerson.build"/>
<target name="build" depends="pre.build" description="compiles the source code">
<mkdir dir="${nant.project.basedir}\bin"/>
<csc target="library" output="${nant.project.basedir}\bin\ADPSIntegrator.dll" debug="${debug}">
<includes name="AssemblyInfo.cs"/>
<includes name="ADPSIntegrator.cs"/>
<includes name="${nant.project.basedir}\bin\PSPerson.dll"/>
<includes name="${nant.project.basedir}\bin\ADPerson.dll"/>