Can someone with CVS write access create a branch for the upcoming 0.8.3
release?  Ian says he has the project building and testing cleanly, so now
is a good time to branch.

The command is:
cvs tag -b BRANCH-083

After running the command, you will still be on the main branch and people
can start committing again.  Please increment the version number on the main
branch to 0.8.4. Release notes, bug fixes, et al will be checked into the
branch and merged onto the main branch after the final release.
There will be a release candidate of NAnt 0.8.3 this weekend, and
NAntContrib will ship as part of it.  Release notes will be submitted to the
list for review before the release candidate ships.

On a related note, I do have the tests building cleanly (and am thus happy
to branch) but do not have all the tests passing.  Ian, can you tell me how
you got this to pass?

1) NAnt.Contrib.Tests.TlbImpTaskTest.Test_SanityCheck : The type initializer
for "NAnt.Core.Project" threw an exception.
   at NAnt.Core.Project..ctor(String uriOrFilePath, Level threshold)
   at Tests.NAnt.Core.BuildTestBase.CreateFilebasedProject(String xml)
   at Tests.NAnt.Core.BuildTestBase.RunBuild(String xml)
   at NAnt.Contrib.Tests.TlbImpTaskTest.Test_SanityCheck() in
c:\source\tools\NAntContrib\Tests\Tasks\TlbImpTaskTest.cs:line 51

John C Barstow

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