this is a possiblity. Does anyone else see a need for this functionality ?

The other solution is to have all developers use a common script to set environment variables.

Hi all.

Generally, environment variables are case-insensitive. However,
nant properties are not. So you may get into some trouble when
using the <sysinfo> task.

E.g. we use a environment variable on the development machines
to set the root source directory named BuildBase:

set BuildBase=d:\src

Then I'm able to use it in my build file:

<sysinfo />
<echo message="BuildBase is ${sys.env.BuildBase}" />

Well, I name it BuildBase. Some colleagues have named it BUILDBASE,
some buildbase. Unfortunately, the build script cannot handle that,
because properties are case-sensitive.

Therefore, I propose to add another flag to the <sysinfo> task,
e.g. envuppercase="True". Following the example above, I could right

<sysinfo envuppercase="True" />
<echo message="BuildBase is ${sys.env.BUILDBASE}" />

without having to respect the different cases.

What do you think?


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