I do not have the 1.0 Framework installed on our build server, since we do not target 1.0 now for any reason (it vanished off the production systems moons ago)... which means I can't build the vanilla 0.8.3 script on that machina, I guess.  FYI, reversing the order of the supportedRuntimes did not change the failure; removing the 1.0 element from supportedRuntimes did not change the failure.  I think this was the reason I had to remove the test targets from the first version of NAnt I built what seems like so long ago.  ;)  Trying to decide whether to doctor the build script or go off to see the wizard of installing obsolete software...


----- snip -----




     [echo] Running unit tests with just built version of NAnt.

     [exec] C:\Sandbox\NAnt-

e  -buildfile:NAnt.build debug self-test -D:project.version= -k:net-1



            Unhandled Exception: System.Configuration.ConfigurationException: Er

ror loading XML file c:\windows\microsoft.net\framework\v1.0.3705\Config\machine

.config Request for the permission of type System.Security.Permissions.StrongNam

eIdentityPermission, mscorlib, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyTok

en=b77a5c561934e089 failed. (c:\windows\microsoft.net\framework\v1.0.3705\Config


               at System.Configuration.ConfigurationRecord.OpenXmlTextReader(Str

ing configFileName)

               at System.Configuration.ConfigurationRecord.Load(String filename)


               at System.Configuration.DefaultConfigurationSystem.System.Configu


               at System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.SetConfigurationSys

tem(IConfigurationSystem configSystem)

               at System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig(String se


               at System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.get_AppSettings()

               at NAnt.Console.ConsoleStub.Main(String[] args) in c:\Program Fil

es\NAnt-\src\NAnt.Console\ConsoleStub.cs:line 44

Total time: 6 seconds.





 External Program Failed: C:\Sandbox\NAnt-

ug/bin/NAnt.exe (return code was -532459699)

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