

After digging a little into the code I noticed that destination is marked as required and in my build file it is spelt wrong. Two things from this as a newbie, first the documentation for cvs-checkout on the website indicates that none of the attributes for cvs-checkout are required, second, should missing a required attribute should probably not result in an internal error.


After fixing my spelling error, however, I still get an internal error (just a different one). The output is attached. I will keep trying to figure out the problem.





-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Ford
Tuesday, September 16, 2003 8:53 AM
Subject: [nant-dev] Nant 0.8.3 final: cvs-checkout task produces internal error




While attempting to run the cvs-checkout task using the attached build file, I received an internal error prompting me to send a report to this list. So here it is. Also attached is the output from the console when the error happened.


Happy bug hunting.



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