Ian, Gert,

I've checked out and installed the last version and
it works!

There is just another issue. If one tries to redefine
a <fileset>, the following error occurs:


System.ArgumentException: Item has already been added.  Key in dictionary:
"archive.set"  Key being added: "archive.set"
   at System.Collections.Hashtable.Insert(Object key, Object nvalue,
Boolean add)
   at System.Collections.Hashtable.Add(Object key, Object value)
   at NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseDictionary.Add(String key, DataTypeBase value)
in c:\Home\Projects\nant\src\NAnt.C
ore\DataTypeBaseDictionary.cs:line 130
   at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute() in
c:\Home\Projects\nant\src\NAnt.Core\Target.cs:line 211
   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName) in
c:\Home\Projects\nant\src\NAnt.Core\Project.cs:line 698
   at NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask.ExecuteTask() in
c:\Home\Projects\nant\src\NAnt.Core\Tasks\CallTask.cs:line 111

The message is clear, so the question is: Is that a bug
or the desired behavior?

Attached to this email you will find a small project to
reproduce the problem. From the command line, just type

  nant src package

The error occurs because I'm trying to reassign the
"archive.set" id to another fileset. By default,
"archive.set" references a fileset that contains the
executables only; by specifying the "src" configuration
from the command line, "archive.set" should then reference
a fileset that contains the whole project
(including source files).

Let me know whether or not this is the desired behavior.
Eventually, I'll modify my build files as needed...


> Giuseppe,
> does a <copy> using the same fileset give the same result ie skip the
> LICENSE file ? If so then we know its somthing in the fileset code.
> Could you post a small sample demonstrating this behaviour ?
> Ian
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Giuseppe Greco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>To: "Gert Driesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 5:10 PM
>>>Subject: Re: [nant-dev] Problems with <zip> and <fileset> tasks
>>>OK, I was using a three weeks old version...
>>three weeks old ??? A lot can happen in three weeks, you should know that
>>:-) LOL
>>>Now I've downloaded the last one, and the result is:
>>>As you can see, the files are now named correctly,
>>>but the file 'project-name/LICENSE' is still missing.
>>Are you running NAnt on linux ? Is it the exact case of the file ?
>>>I hope that helps...
>>doesn't help at all :-)
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Giuseppe Greco


phone:  +41 (0)91 604 67 65
mobile: +41 (0)76 390 60 32
web:    www.agamura.com

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