I've spent a fair amount of time recently with MSBuild, and have the
following set of observations about its relationship to [N]Ant:

1) There is an inter-target dependency engine. Targets can declare their
inputs and their outputs, which are in turn fed to the dependency engine
to determine the minimal set of targets to build. This is a good thing
for more complex builds.

2) There is a concept of an Item, which on the surface looks a lot like
a FileSet. However, it goes quite a bit deeper than that. Items can be
transformed by individual tasks. So, for example, you could generate
output assembly names based on the value of an Item passed as input to a
task. Those output assembly names are themselves Items, and can be fed
as input to other downstream tasks. Items can also have arbitrary
metadata (think a property bag associated with each item), and that
metadata can be inspected by individual tasks.

3) MSBuild is integrated with the project system in VS.NET Whidbey. So
*.proj files are MSBuild files. 

4) MSBuild tasks are very similar to [N]Ant tasks. There is a bool
Execute() method as opposed to a void ExecuteTask() method. The logging
interface has different method names. But all in all, [N]Ant tasks can
easily port to MSBuild and vice-versa. Today I just built an FTP task
that works in both MSBuild and NAnt. I'll ship these tasks in the next
week or so once I get a chance to write up some detailed commentary
about MSBuild in an upcoming issue of my newsletter.

If you want to see a rather unorthodox use of MSBuild, check out my
AssemblyDiff utility that I wrote to calculate the diff between two
different sets of assemblies (I used it to figure out all of the new
types in Whidbey). It's at http://www.iunknown.com/000364.html. What's
interesting about AssemblyDiff is that I use MSBuild as the engine to
drive two custom MSBuild tasks: one to generate a text file containing
assembly metadata and another one to drive GNUWin32 diff.exe. The use of
Items to generate the set of input files to my custom tasks was a
natural fit for this type of utility.

I believe that a [N]Ant developer / user will feel fairly at home in
MSBuild (at least this one does). 



PS Here's a sample MSBuild script that I pulled from some docs I have

<Project MSBuildVersion = "1.2"
         DefaultTargets = "SmallBuild"
    <Property AssemblyName              = "BruteForceEngine.dll"
    <Property DelaySign                 = "false"
    <Property OutputType                = "Library"

    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Config)'== 'DEBUG'">
        <Property Optimize                  = "false"
        <Property OutputPath                = "bin\Debug\"
        <Property WarningLevel              = "1"

    <PropertyGroup condition="'$(Config)'=='RETAIL'">
        <Property Optimize                  = "true"
        <Property OutputPath                = "bin\Release\"
        <Property WarningLevel              = "4"
    <Item Type="References" Include="System"       />
    <Item Type="References" Include="System.XML"   />
    <Item Type="References" Include="System.Data"  />

    <Item Type="PrjReferences"
    <Item Type="PrjReferences" Include="..\Graphics\BruteForce3D.proj"
    <Item Type="WebReferences" Include="http://akipman1/service1.asmx";

    <Item Type="XSD" Include="**\*.xsd" />
    <Item Type="Blueprint" Include="**\*.xaml" />

    <Item Type="CodeFiles" Include="**\*.cs" Exclude="**\generated\*.cs"
    <Item Type="CodeFiles" Include="..\..\Resources\Constants.cs"

    <Item Type="EmbeddedResources" Include="Resources\Strings.resx" />

    <Target Name = "BigBuild" DependsOnTargets = "SmallBuild;
PostCompile" />

    <target Name = "SmallBuild" DependsOnTarget =
"BuildProjectReferences; BuildWebReferences; GenerateSources; 
BuildResources; Compile" />

    <Target Name = "GenerateSources" DependsOnTarget = "XSDTranslation;
XAMLTranslation" />

    <Target Name = "BuildProjectReferences">
                <Task Name = "MSBuild" Projects = "@(PrjReferences)" >
                        <OutputItem TaskParameter="TargetOutputs"
                                        Type="References" />

    <Target Name = "BuildWebReferences" Inputs = "@(WebReferences)"
Outputs = "@(WebReferences->%n.dll)" >
                <Task Name = "WSDL" URI = "@(WebReferences)" >
                        <OutputItem TaskParameter="GeneratedProxies"
                                        Type="References" />

    <Target Name = "XSDTranslation" Inputs = "@(XSD)" Outputs =
"@(XSD->%n.cs)" >
                <Task Name = "XSD" Sources = "@(XSD)" >
                        <OutputItem TaskParameter="GeneratedDataSets"
                                    Type="CodeFiles" />

    <Target Name = "XAMLTranslation" Inputs = "@(Blueprint)" Outputs =
"@(Blueprint->%n.cs)" >
                <Task Name = "XAMLC" Sources = "@(Blueprint)" >
                        <OutputItem TaskParameter="GeneratedSources"
                                    Type="CodeFiles" />

    <Target Name = "BuildResources" Inputs = "@(EmbeddedResources)"
Outputs = "@(EmbeddedResource->%n.resources)">
                <Task Name = "ResGen" Sources = "@(EmbeddedResources)"
                        <OutputItem TaskParameter="OutputResources"
                                     Type="DotResourcesFiles" />

    <Target Name = "Compile" Inputs = "@(Code)" Outputs =
"$(OutputPath)\$(AssemblyName).dll" >
                <Task   Name              = "CSC"
                        Sources           = "@(CodeFiles)"
                        Resources        = "@(DotResourcesFiles)"
                        References       = "@(References)"
                        TargetType        = "$(OutputType)"
                        Optimize         = "$(Optimize)"

                        WarningLevel     = "$(WarningLevel)"

                                             Type="finalAssembly" />
    <Target Name = "PostCompile" >
                <Task Name = "FXCop" Binaries = "@(finalAssembly)" />

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