
I downloaded Nant [file nant-0.8.3.zip] and tried to build the solution but
it is giving some problems.

I am using Microsoft Development Environment Version 7.1.3088 and .NET
Framework 1.1 version 1.1.4322.

It first said that the Nant version has to be upgraded for the MSDE I have
and it did that. But it screwed some References [Particularly Nant.Core]. I
changed each and every reference (pointing to dlls in build.VS.net) and
finally got it build. But at the end it says:

"The file 'NAnt.Core.dll' cannot be copied to the run directory.  The
process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."

I don't have any process which is holding this dll.

Please help. 
Does this Nant version require a specific .NET framework or Development


-- rishi

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