I've been thinking about some of the target dependency functionality, and I was wondering what people thought about having some extra specification of target ordering. There's a couple of types in here, so I've broken them up. I'm interested in hearing opinions of what people think of these.

1. Explicit ordering of user-passed targets

One of the patterns seen in the NAnt buildfile is the "property target". Examples of this include the framework selection, release/debug selection, etc. It would be nice to specify the explicit ordering of these targets, without introducing a dependency. For instance, something like this could be possible:

<target name="debug" runbefore="build,test,deploy" />
<target name="release" runbefore="build,test,deploy" />

This would tell the dependency engine that the debug/release targets must run before any of build/test/deploy.

2. Allowing targets to provide a virtual dependency

This would allow one or more targets to provide a "virtual" target that could be used as a dependency in later targets. For instance:

<target name="modulea-config1" provides="modulea" />
<target name="modulea-config2" provides="modulea" />

<target name="deploy-modulea-generic" depends="modulea" />

Any comments/suggestions/flames? :)


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