Gert Driesen wrote:

I actually still prefer using the ${foo} syntax as :

- its easier to distinguish properties (as Ian originally said)

I'm happy with either one of Jareks options 2 and 3:

2. if=${length($propertyname)=length($someotherpropertyname)}"
3. if=${length(propertyname)=length(someotherpropertyname)}"

3. is cleaner and it basically changes ${ from meaning property to meaning expression. So


returns the result of the function while:


returns just the value of the property, however they are both expressions.

- it won't break compatibility for properties with numeric names (eg ${123})

hmm - this works with Jareks current implementation. so
<echo message="${123}" />
will output the value of the property 123 if it exists and the literal 123 if it doesn't. Still I don't know a single language that allows numeric identifiers.

- corresponds with the MSbuild implementation. (not that this is importantà
- XSLT also uses a ($) prefix for variables

xslt variables differ from nant properties in a number of ways. They have always been more macro substitutions than true variables.

I also don't think we should use lt, gt, ... instead of ==, > for operators,
both XSLT and MSBuild use similar operators ... so I don't see why we should
be different ...

not so. From the xslt spec:

NOTE: When an XPath expression occurs in an XML document, any < and <= operators must be quoted according to XML 1.0 rules by using, for example, &lt; and &lt;=. In the following example the value of the test attribute is an XPath expression: <xsl:if test="@value &lt; 10">...</xsl:if>

not sure about msbuild but as its an xml vocabulary it will surely have the same issues with escaping angle brackets.

In my opinion, it would be better to combine the best of XSLT and MSbuild
expressions, and try to be "compatibile" with these where it makes sense and
were these's no added value for not being compatible ... (eg. use the same
functions names, operators, ...)

sure using the same function names is a good idea. I think the string fucntions that Jarek has implemented are pretty similar to xslt's one anyway.


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