
Yeah, I was considering the same thing. I also wondered whether this
could mean that there could be a unified type system. Filesets, string
properties etc.

- Mitch Denny
- http://www.monash.net
- +61 (414) 610141
-----Original Message-----
From: Jaroslaw Kowalski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 22 January 2004 7:50 AM
To: Mitch Denny; Scott Hernandez; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [nant-dev] Property Scoping

> Scott,
> I'd really prefer to branch on this - it has the ability to really 
> break things. One of the first changes is changing the 
> PropertyDictionary to to store Property objects instead of string 
> values. The property object is where the accessibility level is

The branch is a good idea. I'd like to evaluate another issue: can we
have TYPED properties? Like this:

<property name="counter" type="integer" value="0" />

This way you can write:

<if test="${counter + 1 <= 100}">

instead of:

<if test="${convert::to-int(counter) + 1 <= 100}"> </if>

Once a property has its type set, it cannot be re-typed. Every time you
store a value in such a property, it is checked for type compatibility.
Storing data type (optional - would default to string) in a
PropertyDictionary would help here a lot.


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