I have been trying to put a fileset with an id into a separate build
file and include it without success.  In the main build file it can find
the fileset by ID using refid but it seems the fileset is empty.  If I
copy the fileset into the main build file, it works correctly.  I am
using the nightly build from 2/4/04.

Main build file:
<project name="buildall" default="build">

<property name="base.dir" value="${nant.project.basedir}"/> 
<include buildfile="excludedprojects.xml" />

<target name="build" description="versions all the projects">
        <foreach item="File" property="filename" verbose="true" >
                        <items refid=" ExcludedBuilds" />
                        <echo message="...Attempting to run
${filename}..." />            

Included excludedprojects.xml
        <fileset id="ExcludedBuilds" basedir="${base.dir}">
                <includes name="**/*.build" />
                <excludes name="**/main*.build" />


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