Bugs item #890721, was opened at 2004-02-04 21:35
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by drieseng
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Category: Tasks
Group: 0.85
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Nick Berardi (nberardi)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: <solution> copying all assemblies for framework

Initial Comment:
the <solution> tag is copying all assemblies from the 
Framework v1.1 to the bin directory of the solution that 
I am compiling.


>Comment By: Gert Driesen (drieseng)
Date: 2004-03-05 10:47

Logged In: YES 


This should be fixed in cvs and available in the next nightly 
build, which should be available later today 

Don't hesitate to reopen this bug report if you still have 

Thanks for the report !


Comment By: Gert Driesen (drieseng)
Date: 2004-03-02 21:53

Logged In: YES 

I look into this a little further, and we currently still copy to 
many referenced assemblies to the output directory.  By 
default, Visual Studio .NET does not copy assemblies that are 
located in the GAC to the output directory, but the 
<solution> task currently still copies these assemblies to the 
output directory.  Right now, only system assemblies are not 
copied ...


Comment By: Andrew Woodward (woodybx)
Date: 2004-02-26 12:06

Logged In: YES 

We had a similar problem (also causes null reference 
expections on some no web related projects), however it 
would build the solution on a number of machines but not on 

The problem is related to the installation (lack of) or 
installation location of the default .Net Framework (V1.0) 
used by Nant.  The machines that the build worked on had 
not been rebuilt since VB6 days so had all the files installed. 

Add the line 

<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-

at the top of the build script this forces to use .Net 
framework 1.1 and it should work without problem.


Comment By: Gert Driesen (drieseng)
Date: 2004-02-25 20:59

Logged In: YES 

Bug report #875674 has now been fixed and verified.

Can you try the latest nightly build 
(http://nant.sourceforge.net/nightly/builds) and verify 
whether the issue you reported is now also fixed ?

Thanks !


Comment By: Scott Munro (samunro)
Date: 2004-02-12 13:41

Logged In: YES 

Apologies for the multiple submits there. I think the refresh 
button was playing havoc. : )


Comment By: Scott Munro (samunro)
Date: 2004-02-12 12:50

Logged In: YES 

Without having fully invetigated the problem, I would suggest 
that this may be merely a special case of the problem in 
request - 875674.


Comment By: Scott Munro (samunro)
Date: 2004-02-12 12:50

Logged In: YES 

Without having fully invetigated the problem, I would suggest 
that this may be merely a special case of the problem in 
request - 875674.


Comment By: Scott Munro (samunro)
Date: 2004-02-12 12:48

Logged In: YES 

Without having fully invetigated the problem, I would suggest 
that this may be merely a special case of the problem in 
request - 875674.


Comment By: Scott Munro (samunro)
Date: 2004-02-12 12:48

Logged In: YES 

Without having fully invetigated the problem, I would suggest 
that this may be merely a special case of the problem in 
request - 875674.


Comment By: Scott Munro (samunro)
Date: 2004-02-12 12:37

Logged In: YES 

Without having fully invetigated the problem, I would suggest 
that this may be merely a special case of the problem in 
request - 875674.


Comment By: Scott Munro (samunro)
Date: 2004-02-12 12:36

Logged In: YES 

Without having fully invetigated the problem, I would suggest 
that this may be merely a special case of the problem in 
request - 875674.


Comment By: Scott Munro (samunro)
Date: 2004-02-12 12:35

Logged In: YES 

Without having fully invetigated the problem, I would suggest 
that this may be merely a special case of the problem in 
request - 875674.


Comment By: Scott Munro (samunro)
Date: 2004-02-12 12:17

Logged In: YES 


I have been attempting to try and narrow down the problem 
and have in the process come across another couple of 

I will report them as bugs in their own right but this them in a 

NAnt does not seem to be taking project level imports, 
(possible in VB), into consideration.

When using a net-1.1 build of NAnt to build a net-1.1 solution 
that contains a single VB windows forms project, I am 
receiving the following error and the build fails.

'The SDK for the net-1.0 framework is not available  or not 

When I use the switch /k:net-1.1. The solution builds but the 
executable that is produced gives me the following error 
when I try to run it.

'Unhandled exception at 0xf3f7d08c in 
WindowsApplication1.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation 
reading location 0xf3f7d08c.'

Note that I am using the most recent nightly build 11-Feb-
2004 12:46.

The build file I am using is as follows.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<project name="SolutionTaskTest" default="test" basedir=".">
        <target name="test">
                <solution configuration="debug" 
solutionfile="SolutionTaskTest.sln" />


Comment By: Gert Driesen (drieseng)
Date: 2004-02-11 22:20

Logged In: YES 

Did you try this with the latest nightly build ?

Can you package up a zip file containing the minimum set of 
files necessary to reproduce this issue, if its still not fixed in 
the latest nightly ?


Comment By: Scott Munro (samunro)
Date: 2004-02-11 18:33

Logged In: YES 

I am getting similar behaviour with nant-0.85-debug. I am 
using the following <solution> task.

<solution configuration="debug" 
solutionfile="Munro.CodeGenerator.sln" />

and my bin folder is filled with what looks like all of the DLLs 
in the framework. Here is an example of one that I am not 
referencing in my project.

System.Data.OracleClient, Version=1.0.5000.0, 
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089


Comment By: Nick Berardi (nberardi)
Date: 2004-02-05 15:08

Logged In: YES 

brantcarter?  I don't understand what that means because 
when I compile it in VS.Net I don't see this problem, where 
would this IsPrivate=False go?  This really looks like a bug 
more than a issue with my project file.  Because the 
<solution> tag should really reproduce the same .DLL's that 
VS.Net does.


Comment By: Nick Berardi (nberardi)
Date: 2004-02-05 15:06

Logged In: YES 

brantcarter?  I don't understand what that means because 
when I compile it in VS.Net I don't see this problem, where 
would this IsPrivate=False go?  This really looks like a bug 
more than a issue with my project file.  Because the 
<solution> tag should really reproduce the same .DLL's that 
VS.Net does.


Comment By: Brant Carter (brantcarter)
Date: 2004-02-05 10:49

Logged In: YES 

This is the intended behaviour.  You can change the IsPrivate 
attribute of your project files to change this behaviour.



Comment By: Gert Driesen (drieseng)
Date: 2004-02-04 22:42

Logged In: YES 


Can you package up a zip file containing the minimum set of
files necessary to reproduce this issue ?

Thanks for the report !


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