* Gert Driesen wrote on 07.06.2004 (12:37):
> Are you using a very recent version of NAnt, as the <include> element was
> only recently added.  You might want to try the <includes> element :

Is 25.05.2005 recent enough? But I tried (and got deprecated
messages). Nothing changed. I've overseen that the ftpup
task runs. And I do not see a difference in handling the
fileset. I uploaded the actual code on
http://www.livingit.de/downloads/nant-tasks.zip if you want
to take a look in it.

By the way, I would take responsibility for the ftp task in
0.9 if nobody has already started or any other reasons.

My ideas for further changes to the task:

* Integrate the both existing tasks (ftpup and ftpdown) to
one task. Currently I'm thinking of something like this:

<ftp server="server.de">
        <credentials user="user" password="pass" />
                        <include name="*.zip" />
                        <include name="*.txt" />
                <!-- binary and ascii filesets -->

* create a script task ftpscript that enables to execute ftp
command directly:

<ftpscript server="server.de">
        <credentials user="user" password="pass" />
                DELE file.zip
    PUT newfile.zip

Just a short question: Can a complete task be marked as
obsolete (recognized by NAnt)?


sa at programmers-world dot com http://www.livingit.de
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