I don't think it makes much sense to have this task inherit from
CompilerBase anyway, no ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian MacLean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Giuseppe Greco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [nant-dev] ILASM task

> Guis,
> I haven't looked at your source in detail yet but I think the problem is
> that ilasm.exe doesn't support the use of a response file. The core
> compilers : csc, vbc etc all take an @ argument:
> @<file>                 Read response file for more options
> And this is what CompilerBase uses to pass the commandline to the
> compiler tools. ilasm.exe takes no such paramater and thinks that
> '@C:\DOCUME~1\GGRECO~1.ECH\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmpB13.EXE' is the path to an
> il file. You may have to derive from ExternalprogramBase rather than
> CompilerBase although it will mean duplicating some of the functionality
> in CompilerBase.
> Ian
> Giuseppe Greco wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I've just written the ILASM task, but it does not work
> >(of course, I'm doing something wrong).
> >
> >Giving the following build file:
> >
> ><project name="OddOrEven" default="build">
> >  <target name="build">
> >    <ilasm target="exe" output="OddOrEven.exe">
> >      <sources basedir=".">
> >        <include name="MainClass.il"/>
> >      </sources>
> >    </ilasm>
> >  </target>
> ></project>
> >
> >... the output is:
> >
> >[ilasm] Compiling 3 files to
> >    'C:\Home\Projects\temp\.net\ilasm\OddOrEven\OddOrEven.exe'.
> >
> >        Microsoft (R) .NET Framework IL Assembler.  Version 1.1.4322.573
> >        Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights
> >
> >        Assembling '@C:\DOCUME~1\GGRECO~1.ECH\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmpB13.tmp' ,
> >        no listing file, to EXE -->
> >          '@C:\DOCUME~1\GGRECO~1.ECH\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmpB13.EXE'
> >
> >        Could not open @C:\DOCUME~1\GGRECO~1.ECH\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmpB13.tmp
> >
> >        ***** FAILURE *****
> >
> >It looks like the CompilerBase class is not able to find
> >the source files. Attached to this email you'll find the
> >IlasmTask.cs file... What am I missing?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >j3d.
> >
> >----------------------------------------
> >Giuseppe Greco
> >
> >::agamura::
> >
> >phone:  +41 (0)91 604 67 65
> >mobile: +41 (0)76 390 60 32
> >email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >web:    www.agamura.com
> >----------------------------------------
> >
> --
> Ian MacLean, Developer,
> ActiveState, a division of Sophos
> http://www.ActiveState.com
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