Hi Guys,

What's the current NAntContrib policy regarding Nant releases? I remember
there was once talks of ensuring that NAntContrib worked only with a
specific release of Nant, so I'm not sure right now...

I needed a new release recently, so I decided to go back and rebuild both
nant and nantcontrib from scratch from CVS, and had a little trouble getting
nantcontrib to build.

Specifically, in case anyone is interested, here are the issues I've found:
1- There seems to be some issues with filesets if a exclude containing a
**.* is used. Specifically, In the NAntContrib.build file, in the build
task, the sources fileset for CSC task says:
                <include name="${src.dir}/**.cs" />
                <include name="${build.dir}/schema/**.cs" />

                <exclude name="${src.dir}/tasks/SharePoint/**.cs" />
For some reason, the last line caused the fileset to end up empty when
compiling agains whatever was in CVS on Thursday. Changing it to <exclude
name="${src.dir}/tasks/SharePoint/*.cs" />, fixed the issue.

2- The XSD for the MSI tasks is somewhat old, and needs to be updated to
reflect some changes in the nant structure; particularly, the way <includes>
and <excludes> was renamed (otherwise, when using recent nant/nantcontrib
you will always either get a schema validation error, or a nant warning).

3- The MSI task seems to have a problem some other people have reported, but
that doesn't seem fixed, in that running it might cause a "could not create
interface" error. It's actually pretty easy to fix correctly, so let me know
if you want me to commit the fixes..

I'm sure there are other things around ;)
Tomas Restrepo

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