Troy Laurin wrote:
Gert Driesen wrote:

Not only is this not as clean as having support for multiple filesets, it also causes problems for tasks that use the relative path to the base directory (like the <zip> task does to determine the directory within the zip file).

Ant supports this in various (all tasks that use filesets ?) tasks.

Rather than modify every task that uses a fileset, is it worth (is it correct?) modifying fileset to be self-nesting?

For example, your references element from above might become:

  <includeset basedir="C:/Test" />
    <include name="AssemblyA.dll" />
    <include name="bin/AssemblyB.dll" />
    <include name="whatever/AssemblyC.dll" />
  <includeset basedir="D:/Test/whatever" />
    <include name="AssemblyD.dll" />
    <include name="AssemblyE.dll" />

or equivalently (slightly more concise):

<references basedir="C:/Test" />
  <include name="AssemblyA.dll" />
  <include name="bin/AssemblyB.dll" />
  <include name="whatever/AssemblyC.dll" />
  <includeset basedir="D:/Test/whatever" />
    <include name="AssemblyD.dll" />
    <include name="AssemblyE.dll" />

You could then play with includesets as required to ensure each included file has the correct relative path.

If this isn't a bad idea, I could probably knock together a prototype next weekend...


-- Troy


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