Title: Message
I've been a lazy boy running on nightly 03/24 for much too long.
Decided to try out 10/25 today and a few days ago the newest nightly at that time.
To my great sorrow there appears to have sneaked in a tricky bug where timing appears to be of essence.
Due to the code I have is propritary I can not provide a repo, but I'll try to be as specific as I can anyway.
I compile a project using the solution task in Nant nightly 10/25. The snipplet that compiles it is well tested.
    <solution configuration="Debug" solutionfile="${nant.project.basedir}\framework\FrameworkBuild.sln"/>
The solution itself contains 38 C# projects. This is the occational error output:
                             [nant] C:\CodeModules\Montgomery\modules\fndwin\packages.build debug
                                    Buildfile: file:///C:/CodeModules/Montgomery/modules/fndwin/pack
                                    Target(s) specified: debug

                                     [solution] Starting solution build.
                                     [solution] Building 'IFSVSAddInManager' [Debug] ...
                                     [solution] Building 'Ifs.Fnd.Data.CodeGen' [Debug] ...
                                     [solution] Building 'Ifs.Fnd.Feature.Design.Installer' [Debug]
                                                   [resgen] Read in 0 resources from 'C:\CodeModules
                                                   [resgen] Writing resource file...  Done.
                                    BUILD FAILED
                                    Cannot delete directory 'C:\TEMP\tmp1966.tmp'.
                                        The directory is not empty.

                                    Total time: 3.2 seconds.

                        BUILD FAILED
                        Nested build failed.  Refer to build log for exact reason.
                        Total time: 3.4 seconds.
This error message occurs only maybe one in 5-10 times that I compile. It's always complaining with the same type
of error, but sometimes the directory's number is different, like "tmp243.tmp" etc.
Looking at disk this folder is there in the temp folder. I can remove it without getting an error.
I'm assuming somewhere between 03/24 and 10/25 someone did some change to the resgen part of the solution task
that resulted in a non-deterministic order of deletion of files in the temp folder and the folder itself. Hence at times not all
files are removed in time for when the folder is removed and it then gives this error.
With this info is it possible to review the code part to find such a bug or can I do anything else to help reproduce this?

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