Bugs item #1077253, was opened at 2004-12-02 03:06
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by drieseng
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Category: Tasks
Group: 0.85
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Shawn A. Van Ness (arithex)
Assigned to: Gert Driesen (drieseng)
Summary: solution task: namespace prefixing wrong on resources

Initial Comment:

<solution> task, C# winforms project.

The RootNamespace shouldn't get prefixed onto 
winforms' .resx resources -- it should be made to match 
the namespace of the corresponding form/control class.

NAnt usually gets this right (kudos!) but slips up if the 
form-derived class isn't in any namespace.

Repro steps: 

- start VS2003, create new winforms project (C#)

- project props: change default namespace 
from "WindowsApplication1" or whatever 
to "DefaultNamespace".

- Form1 properties: set Localizable=true, in order to 
generate dependency on resx file.

- edit Form1.cs: remove the outer namespace 
declaration ("WindowsApplication1") so that the form 
class is declared at the top level (not in any namespace)

- compile (w/ VS)

- inspect WindowsApplication1.exe with ildasm or 
whatever; note presence of resource:

   .mresource public Form1.resources

- add a bmp or jpg file or something to the project, as 
an Embedded Resource; recompile, and inspect w/ 
ildasm.  You'll get something like this:

   .mresource public Form1.resources
   .mresource public DefaultNamespace.Sunset.jpg

- now, rebuild all w/ NAnt <solution> task, and note the 
difference in naming:

   .mresource public DefaultNamespace.Form1.resources
   .mresource public DefaultNamespace.Sunset.jpg

- the resulting app will crash upon startup 
because it can't find "Form1.resources"!


>Comment By: Gert Driesen (drieseng)
Date: 2004-12-05 11:46

Logged In: YES 

This issue is now fixed in cvs.

Thanks for the report !!


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