>From: "Jamie Briant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:49 AM

> The first is dangerous because when a programmer decides to change
> build.config's to build.local.config (for example) they are
> at some point to miss one. Not every time. Not even very often. Just
> often enough for the failure to be costly.

I'm not sure how this could happen with an automated replace and a
proper review, and I hope that no one would make this sort of edit
manually.  But you could just as easily have typos elsewhere that are
just as fatal; as I said recently, the <read-my-mind> task still isn't

>If the word "overwrite" is confusing, may I suggest a new option be
> in its place that has the same effect, such as "overwriteexisting",
> "lookmeupinthemanual".

If you're going to do that, you may as well make it
bleNameInstead" :-)

A while back, I suggested that the "default" pattern occurs often
enough to be put into the property mechanism.  Something like either
<property name="build.config" default="default.value"/>  , which would
have the same effect as the other two, or even something like <default
name="build.config" value="default.value" /> , again with the same
effect.  This is the wrong time to put this back on the table, but
it's certainly reasonable enough to consider in the future.


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