Hi John, I missed that, I have checked in a fix.  

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: John Wadlow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Mon 2/7/2005 1:49 PM 
        To: Clayton Harbour; Chris Fewtrell; 
        Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject: [Sharpcvslib-developers] RE: What version of SharpCvsLib does 
Nant use. RE: [nant-dev] cvs-pass exception when user name contains full stop

        Iâm getting the same error but with a hyphen in the cvs server name 
of the cvsroot.



        From: Clayton Harbour [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 4:19 AM
        To: Chris Fewtrell; nant-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
        Cc: John Wadlow; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject: RE: What version of SharpCvsLib does Nant use. RE: [nant-dev] 
cvs-pass exception when user name contains full stop


        Hi Chris, sorry it took a couple of days to get back, thanks for your 
patience on this.  To answer your version question, NAnt is using the cvs 
version of sharpcvslib.  When we go to release I will tag the repository and 
branch if need be to make patches.


        I think you test case got clobbered by a friendly mail server along the 
way.  I checked in a fix to the cvsroot regex that will allow a '.' in the 
username portion of the cvsroot.  I am not sure if the regex below solves this 
or not, I was not able to get it to pick up a correct cvsroot.  Let me know if 
that fixes you issue, if not could you please file a bug and include a small 
test case there.





                -----Original Message-----
                From: Chris Fewtrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                Sent: February 4, 2005 4:16 AM
                To: nant-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
                Cc: John Wadlow
                Subject: What version of SharpCvsLib does Nant use. RE: 
[nant-dev] cvs-pass exception when user name contains full stop



                I think there is a problem in the SharpCvsLib's way of parsing 
cvs roots.  I have sent an email to the sharpcvslib dev mail list detailing the 
problem (reproduced at bottom of this email).


                I wanted to use a fixed version of SharpCvsLib with NAnt so I 
downloaded the latest source I could find for SharpCvsLib  (0.36-dev), 
recompiled it and replaced the dlls in the NAnt lib folder with the new dlls.  
The build of NAnt failed however.


                The version of the SharpCvsLib code I downloaded has the 
exception ICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.FileSystem.CvsFileNotFoundException whereas 
the code in NAnt expects the class to be in a different namespace 


                I was wondering which version of the SharpCvsLib you are using 
(since it is obviously different to the one I have downloaded) - please send us 
a link if possible.



                Many thanks





                <description of problem sent to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'  >

                There is problem with the cvs-pass task.  It fails when the cvs 
root contains a user name that has a full stop ('.') in it.


                The problem is in  ICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Misc.CvsRoot 
                The regex used to validate the cvs root is
                public const string CVSROOT_REGEX = 
                              :((?:[\w]*@)?[\w]+(?:\.[\w|-]+)*)   <----


                I think the line marked with the <---- should be replaced with 


                (Note the extra \\. to allow full stops in the user name).





                From: John Wadlow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                Sent: 04 February 2005 00:29
                To: Chris Fewtrell
                Subject: [nant-dev] cvs-pass exception when user name contains 
full stop

                Did anyone answer your question about this?  Iâm running into 
the same problem.


                Unfortunately, Iâm not sure what you mean by full stop.  When 
I look at your message I see this


                  <target name="CvsLogin" description="Logs into cvs">
                            cvsroot=":pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsrepo" 
                            verbose="true" />


                The above fails whereas this works fine...


                    <target name="CvsLogin" description="Logs into cvs">
                            cvsroot=":pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsrepo" 
                            verbose="true" />





                John Wadlow

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