> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Christian Leh
> Sent: vrijdag 1 april 2005 10:03
> To: nant-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [nant-dev] <solution> some little changes
> Hi there,
> our software is a big project in .NET which consists of 8 solutions
> (each containing about 5-8 projects, where some of them have more than
> 220 classes/forms)
> 1.)
> the first time we tried to run NAnt the first problem occurred: the
> resource file generation takes a lot of time (we have a 
> background virus
> scanner), about 2-3 seconds for 1 file. so we downloaded a 
> nightly build
> (0.85 26.03.05) and made some changes to the
> VSNet.ManagedProjectBase::WriteCompilerOptions() .. we killed the 2
> lines for compiling the resources over the VSNet.Resource object and
> replaced it with a new procedure called WriteResxOptions. 
> Here we simply
> used the existing DotNet.ResgenTask, added all resources and executed
> it. It works properly and imperceptible fast.

I'm definitely interested in seeying what you did here.

> 2.)
> another issue comes along with our own "Office.dll" (not in GAC). We
> also have MS Office installed and got a Primary Interop Assembly from
> MS. The problem: NAnt preferred the Office.dll from MS 
> installed in GAC.
> Maybe thats not the general solution but changing the priority of GAC
> and NAnt assembly folders (3. GAC 4.AF -> 4.AF 3.GAC) in
> VSNet.ManagedAssemblyReference::ResolveAssemblyReference() 
> solved that.
> Maybe you have to think about it :)

Is that also the behavior you're seeing from VS.NET ? Do you have a small
repro for this ?

> 3.)
> now we could build our solutions within 900 seconds. it's a 
> long time if
> you are waiting in front of your monitor :( devenv.exe needs 
> the half of
> time (420s). something must slow down the whole process. After running
> NAnt with our .NET Profiler application, we could see that 
> the most time
> is spend in resolving assemblies and their referenced assemblies.
> So we had an idea: lets cache already resolved assemblies. We wrote a
> file based assembly cache class (because the VSNet.ReferencesResolver
> gets disposed if a new solution task starts) and merged it with the
> existing code

Don't think we'll add support for this ...

> 4.)
> We use third party controls too. so if new versions get released,
> everybody must have the same version installed to compile the 
> project. A
> little new task helps us to compile with different versions: 
> UpLicxTask
> (currently only implemented in
> VSNet.ManagedProjectBase::WriteResxOptions())... Everytime a 
> .licx file
> should be compiled, a UpLicxTask is executed. it replaces the version
> stored in .licx file, with the version installed in GAC 
> (works only with
> GAC assemblies at the moment)
> Other things:
> - The project GUIDs are compared but there is no check if the projects
> in the solution have the same GUID, so NAnt only builds one 
> project (of
> them with the same GUID)

I don't recall exactly, but I think we do check this now.

> - Maybe there should be a "suppress resgen output" attribute 
> in solution
> task, because if you have 200 resx files to compile, the output is
> really annoying

I know, I'll consider adding this (with or without an option).

> Summary:
> - New Task: UpLicxTask
> - Patched: VSNet.ReferencesResolver (cache resolved assemblies)
> - Patched: VSNet.ManagedProjectBase (use resgen task for resources)
> - Patched: VSNet.ManagedAssemblyReference (changed assembly folders
> priority)
> however, after all that work in the last week, now we have NAnt that
> compiles our underlying library (2 solutions, 25 projects) and the
> software itself in 250s (remember, it took around 900s 
> before) on a 3Ghz
> machine.
> theres no way for devenv.exe to do it faster :) we love NAnt, 
> thanks for
> that great work
> Thats our first contribution to the NAnt project (which is 
> wonderful for
> huge software applications)
> Its some code we fixed up, so i decided not to put it in this mailing.
> If you are interested in the changes we made, i will publish the
> affected files on the mailinglist or to anybody who wants :)

I'd definitely be interested. Better not send it to the list unless the size
is small.


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