I received the following message when trying to build using NAnt.  I have included the contents from my build file as well.  I tried to build using both the version of NAnt that ships in the bin folder and by rebuilding NAnt on my machine.    I have successfully used NAnt in the past.  

Machine Specs:
        Windows XP SP2
        Visual Studio 2003
        .NET Framework  v1.1.4322 SP1

Build File Contents
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project name="WFD" default="build" basedir="..\">
    <description>Kofax Standard Application NANT Build Script</description>

        <target name="build" description="Compile project using Release configuration">
                <!-- TODO - Be sure to set the name of the solution file here -->
                <echo message="Building Application"/>
                <solution solutionfile="wfd.sln" configuration="Release"> </solution>
        <target name="clean">
                <delete verbose="true" >
                                <!-- TODO - Be sure to correct path to the release folder here -->
                                <fileset basedir="..\WFD\bin\release">
                                        <includes name="*.dll"/>
                                        <includes name="*.exe"/>
Bug message:

t -buildfile:wfd_newui.build
NAnt 0.84 (Build 0.84.1455.0; net-1.0.win32; release; 12/26/2003)
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Gerry Shaw

Buildfile: file:///S:/WFD/WFD_NewUI/Build/wfd_newui.build
Target(s) specified: build


     [echo] Building Application
 [solution] Starting solution build.



System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: path2
   at System.IO.Path.Combine(String path1, String path2)
   at NAnt.VSNet.VcConfiguration.get_OutputPath() in c:\Tools\NAnt\src\NAnt.VSNe
t\VcConfiguration.cs:line 118
   at NAnt.VSNet.VcProject.GetOutputPath(String configuration) in c:\Tools\NAnt\
src\NAnt.VSNet\VcProject.cs:line 150
   at NAnt.VSNet.Solution.GetDependenciesFromProjects() in c:\Tools\NAnt\src\NAn
t.VSNet\Solution.cs:line 453
   at NAnt.VSNet.Solution..ctor(String solutionFileName, ArrayList additionalPro
jects, ArrayList referenceProjects, TempFileCollection tfc, SolutionTask solutio
nTask, WebMapCollection webMappings, FileSet excludesProjects, String outputDir)
 in c:\Tools\NAnt\src\NAnt.VSNet\Solution.cs:line 115
   at NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.ExecuteTask() in c:\Tools\NAnt\src\NAnt.VSNe
t\Tasks\SolutionTask.cs:line 317
   at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute() in c:\Tools\NAnt\src\NAnt.Core\Task.cs:line 151
   at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute() in c:\Tools\NAnt\src\NAnt.Core\Target.cs:line 2
   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName, Boolean forceDependencies) in
 c:\Tools\NAnt\src\NAnt.Core\Project.cs:line 772
   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute() in c:\Tools\NAnt\src\NAnt.Core\Project.cs:line
   at NAnt.Core.Project.Run() in c:\Tools\NAnt\src\NAnt.Core\Project.cs:line 797

Please send bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Total time: 0.9 seconds.

John Cornell
Kofax Image Products

Software Development Manager
 (949) 727-1733 Ext.336


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