Hi guys,

With the latest version of Mono it should be enough to
handle the "template" option:

  [al] ALINK: error A0000: Compiler option 'template'
       is not implemented


On Wed, 2005-04-27 at 12:06 +0200, Giuseppe Greco wrote:
> Hi all,
> There are still problems with the <al> task on Linux.
> Just try the attached example (test.tar.gz):
> build:
>  [al] Output file '/home/genius/test/en-US/Test.resources.dll'
>             does not exist, recompiling.
>  [al] Compiling 1 files to '/home/genius/test/en-US/Test.resources.dll'.
>  [al] Contents of /tmp/tmpc410434.
>  [al] /target:"library"
>  [al] /out:"/home/genius/projects/test/en-US/Test.resources.dll"
>  [al] /culture:"en-US"
>  [al] /embed:"/home/genius/projects/test/en-US/Test.en-US.resources"
>  [al] /nologo
>  [al]
>  [al] Starting '/usr/bin/mono ("/usr/lib/mono/1.0/al.exe"
>       @"/tmp/tmpc410434")' in '/home/genius/projects/test'
>  [al] ALINK: error A1012: '"library"' is not a valid setting for option
>       'target'
> Running al.exe manually there are no problems at all:
> al /t:lib /embed:en-US/Test.en-US.resources
>   /c:en-US /out:Test.resources.dll
> or
> al @cmdline.txt
> Of course, the same applies also to the <resources>
> element in the <csc> task.
> j3d.
Giuseppe Greco


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