Gert Driesen wrote:


In .NET 2.0 (beta 2), quite some options have been added to the command-line

For example, for csc these are :


Now, the question is: how do we expose these options to build authors and
still avoid confusing build authors that target older versions of .NET (that
do not support these options) ?

Do we

1. just expose these options as attribute of the csc task itself

For example:

<csc keyfile="key.snk" platform="x86" pdb="assembly.pdb" .... />


2. add nested child element for the .NET 2.0 specific options

<csc ...>
        <whidbey keyfile="..." />


3. add a csc2 task that derives from csc

<csc2 keyfile="..." ... />

What do you think ?

I don't like 2 and 3 much as they will get very ugly if successive versions of the compilers add new features like this. Could we use 1 but mark the new options with a CustomAttribute indicating their version. Then at load time we can match that against the current framework version and throw an exception if the option is not allowed with the currently targetted compiler. This could also be used when we generate the task doc to clearly mark the new options as 2.0 only.


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