Bugs item #1207607, was opened at 2005-05-24 10:55
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by rutgerdijkstra
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Rutger Dijkstra (rutgerdijkstra)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: NAnt chokes on namespace prefix use

Initial Comment:
If the xml in a build file uses an explicit namespace 
prefix NAnt fails to recognize most of the build file


<NAnt:project xmlns:NAnt="urn:NAnt-0.85-rc3" 
  <NAnt:target name="choke">
    <NAnt:echo message="you won't see this"/>

The project and target tags are processed OK but 
tasks and datatypes are not recognized.


>Comment By: Rutger Dijkstra (rutgerdijkstra)
Date: 2005-05-24 11:36

Logged In: YES 


when matching the names of xml elements and attributes with
the nant names of tasks, datatypes and properties thereof, 
most of the code in NAnt.Core uses the XmlNode.Name 
property (which includes the arbitrary prefix) rather than
the XmlNode.LocalName property.

resolution option 1:

replace all references to XmlNode.Name anywhere in the 
source by XmlNode.LocalName (the meaningful part).
This is a nasty job because the error is scattered through the 
entire codebase. Moreover, even if the bug is eliminated from
NAnt.Core, we can't be sure it isn't repeated other parts for 
build elements that do custom xml processing.

resolution option 2:

Load project files in a subclass of XmlDocument that overrides
the Name property of Element and Attributes to yield the 
LocalName instead. This should change nothing else than fix 
the bug since, as far as I have been able to determine, all of
the xml functionality in the libraries uses only the 
combination LocalName+NamespaceUri (as it should).

I'd be happy to supply the sublass.
all of 


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