I'm currently fixing nant's handling of namespaces and
stumbled accros a mysterious piece of code. Could someone
confirm or deny that the following is a redundant relic of
some (failed) experiment in the past:

nant/src/NAnt.Core/Project.cs, lines 1214-1227 [CtorHelper]

(StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)) {
               string defURI;

               if (doc.DocumentElement.Attributes["xmlns", "nant"] ==
null) {
                   defURI = @"http://none";;
               } else {
                   defURI = doc.DocumentElement.Attributes["xmlns",

               XmlAttribute attr = doc.CreateAttribute("xmlns");

               attr.Value = defURI;

Adding an "xmlns" attribute to a document that has already
loaded does not change the namespace of any of the nodes. Moreover, the
way I can get the condition of the inner conditional to be true is with
something like: <project xmlns:nantns="nant" nantns:xmlns="whatever">...
which serves no purpose that I can see.

Dropping the code does not break any of the unit-test, so whatever
it achieves is not covered.

cheers, rutger

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