
mine 2 cents to this:
- first I liked those pipe idea proposed
- but Gary is mostly right - there is alot stuff possible via output/append
- only missing is input redirection?
    <exec program="cmd1" output="${filename}" />
    <exec program="cmd2" output="${filename}" append="True" /> 
    <exec program="cmd3" output="${filename}" input="${filename}" /> 
- last line in example should be equivalent for pipe
- intermediate files are cached by system, so no big slowdown I think. Not
important IMHO.
- I'd disagree with Gary in some points like
  - NAnt is great in flow control.
  - external shells could be hell. I personally trying to do all stuff in
  - external shells are hard to maintain and port to other OS, NAnt script
is not.

Martin Aliger

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