Title: How to pass dynamic properties from the command line ?

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or it's just not possible !!!
What I want to do is the following.

I have a script that looks like this:
<project name="Start" default="do-all" xmlnds="http://tempuri.org/nant-vs.xsd">
        <property name="test4" value="help" />
        <property name="test3" value="${test4}" />
        <property name="test" value="0" overwrite="false" dynamic="true" />
        <target name="do-all">

I'm executing this script by calling nant this way:  nant -D:test2=3 -D:test=${test2}

What I get as a result is:

     [echo] ${test2}
     [echo] help

What I would like to get is:

     [echo] 3
     [echo] help

Is it possible to do this from the command line ?


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