Hello, I am writing a GUI for your great NAnt. My tool is
also in sourceforge (NAntReloaded) in case you want to check
my plans. The tool will have a stand-alone GUI and a
VS2003/5 Addin.

Problem: The task create and appDomain using the
currentDomain evidence and configuration, then it tries to
instanciate an object of the type ReferencesResolver in that
appDomain. When that line is executing I get a
Location: version: nant-0.85.rc3 file: SolutionTask.cs line: 402

How my app works: I reference NAnt.Core in my app and I work
with the class you provide. I have a builld a tiny wrapper
to isolate UI from NAnt.Core but in fact when I run a .build
file I call NAnt.Core.Project.Run() just as your console
tools does it.

Context: The problem only occurs when I try to run the task
from inside the VSIDE (as an addin). I guess that the
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence is not good enough from
inside the IDE to create a new domain pointing outside VSIDE
folder and load assemblies from it, but it is just a guest.
If I turn off security (caspol --security off) then all
works like charm so it has to be some auth problem related
to VSIDE context and the new appDomain created by the task.

Do you know what is the real problem beside of what I am
guessing  ? Do you have any idea of how I can solve this
issue without using the GAC ? Can you help me in any way to
solve this issue ?

I have really tryed all what I can think of, so any idea
will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

PS: Sorry for my english, is not my primary lenguage.

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