Bugs item #1339746, was opened at 2005-10-27 11:35
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by fredwg
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Tasks
Group: 0.7.749.5625
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Jason Graves (godlikemouse)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Solution Task Ignoring C++ Build Order

Initial Comment:
When building a solution in c++, nant completely 
ignores the build order specified in the solution which is 
causing the real build to fail.  The following is a sample 
build which will list the supposed build order with the 
actual details of the build with NAnt:

Required Build Order:


Actual Build Output:

C:\>call "c:\program files\microsoft visual studio .net 
Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual 
Studio .NET 2003 tools.
(If you have another version of Visual Studio or Visual 
C++ installed and wish
to use its tools from the command line, run vcvars32.bat 
for that version.)

C:\>c:\nant\bin\nant -buildfile:test.build 
NAnt 0.85 (Build 0.85.2121.0; nightly; 10/22/2005)
Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Gerry Shaw

Buildfile: file:///C:/test.build
Target framework: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
Target(s) specified: build 


 [solution] Starting solution build.
 [solution] Loading projects...
 [solution] Loading project 'c:\dev\Project1\Project1
 [solution] Loading project 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
 [solution] Loading project 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
 [solution] Gathering additional dependencies...
 [solution] Fixing up references...
 [solution] Building 'Project1' [Debug] ...
               [attrib] No matching files or directories found.
                   [cl] 'c:\dev\Project1\Project1
\Debug\Project1.pch' does not exist, recompiling.
                   [cl] PCH out of date, recompiling all 
                   [cl] Compiling 1 files to 'c:\dev\Project1
                   [cl] Contents of C:\DOCUME~1
                   [cl] /c
                   [cl] /clr
                   [cl] /D "WIN32"
                   [cl] /D "_DEBUG"
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
                   [cl] /Fd"c:\dev\Project1\Project1
                   [cl] /Fo"c:\dev\Project1\Project1\Debug\\"
                   [cl] /Fp"c:\dev\Project1\Project1
                   [cl] /Yc"StdAfx.h"
                   [cl] "c:\dev\Project1\Project1\stdafx.cpp"
                   [cl] /D "_MBCS"
                   [cl] Starting 'cl (@"C:\DOCUME~1
\Temp\tmp1258.tmp" /EHsc /W3 /MTd /Zi /Od /nologo)' 
in 'c:\dev\Project1\Project1'
                   [cl] stdafx.cpp
                   [cl] 'c:\dev\Project1\Project1
\Debug\AssemblyInfo.obj' does not exist, recompiling.
                   [cl] 'c:\dev\Project1\Project1
\Debug\Project1.obj' does not exist, recompiling.
                   [cl] Compiling 2 files to 'c:\dev\Project1
                   [cl] Contents of C:\DOCUME~1
                   [cl] /c
                   [cl] /clr
                   [cl] /D "WIN32"
                   [cl] /D "_DEBUG"
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
                   [cl] /Fd"c:\dev\Project1\Project1
                   [cl] /Fo"c:\dev\Project1\Project1\Debug\\"
                   [cl] /Fp"c:\dev\Project1\Project1
                   [cl] /Yu"StdAfx.h"
                   [cl] "c:\dev\Project1\Project1
                   [cl] "c:\dev\Project1\Project1\Project1.cpp"
                   [cl] /D "_MBCS"
                   [cl] Starting 'cl (@"C:\DOCUME~1
\Temp\tmp1259.tmp" /EHsc /W3 /MTd /Zi /Od /nologo)' 
in 'c:\dev\Project1\Project1'
                   [cl] AssemblyInfo.cpp
                   [cl] Project1.cpp
                   [cl] Generating Code...
                   [rc] 'c:\dev\Project1\Project1
\Debug\app.res' does not exist, recompiling.
                   [rc] Compiling "c:\dev\Project1\Project1
\app.rc" to "c:\dev\Project1\Project1\Debug\app.res".
                   [rc] Starting 'rc (/v /fo"c:\dev\Project1
\Project1\Debug\app.res" "c:\dev\Project1\Project1
\app.rc" )' in 'c:\dev\Project1\Project1'
                   [rc] Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource 
Compiler Version 5.2.3668.0
                   [rc] Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  
All rights reserved.
                   [rc] Creating c:\dev\Project1\Project1
                 [link] PDB file 'c:\dev\Project1
\Debug\Project1.pdb' does not exist, relinking.
                 [link] Linking 16 files.
                 [link] Contents of C:\DOCUME~1
                 [link] /OUT:"c:\dev\Project1
                 [link] /DEBUG
                 [link] /PDB:"c:\dev\Project1
                 [link] /nologo
                 [link] "kernel32.lib"
                 [link] "user32.lib"
                 [link] "gdi32.lib"
                 [link] "winspool.lib"
                 [link] "comdlg32.lib"
                 [link] "advapi32.lib"
                 [link] "shell32.lib"
                 [link] "ole32.lib"
                 [link] "oleaut32.lib"
                 [link] "uuid.lib"
                 [link] "odbc32.lib"
                 [link] "odbccp32.lib"
                 [link] "c:\dev\Project1\Project1
                 [link] "c:\dev\Project1\Project1
                 [link] "c:\dev\Project1\Project1
                 [link] "c:\dev\Project1\Project1
                 [link] Starting 'link (@"C:\DOCUME~1
BUG)' in 'c:\dev\Project1\Project1'
 [solution] Copying references:
 [solution] Fixing up references...
 [solution] Building 'Propject2' [Debug] ...
               [attrib] No matching files or directories found.
                   [cl] 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
\Debug\Propject2.pch' does not exist, recompiling.
                   [cl] PCH out of date, recompiling all 
                   [cl] Compiling 1 files to 'c:\dev\Project1
                   [cl] Contents of C:\DOCUME~1
                   [cl] /c
                   [cl] /clr
                   [cl] /D "WIN32"
                   [cl] /D "_DEBUG"
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
                   [cl] /Fd"c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
                   [cl] /Fo"c:\dev\Project1\Propject2\Debug\\"
                   [cl] /Fp"c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
                   [cl] /Yc"StdAfx.h"
                   [cl] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject2\stdafx.cpp"
                   [cl] /D "_MBCS"
                   [cl] Starting 'cl (@"C:\DOCUME~1
\Temp\tmp125D.tmp" /EHsc /W3 /MTd /Zi /Od /nologo)' 
in 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject2'
                   [cl] stdafx.cpp
                   [cl] 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
\Debug\AssemblyInfo.obj' does not exist, recompiling.
                   [cl] 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
\Debug\Propject2.obj' does not exist, recompiling.
                   [cl] Compiling 2 files to 'c:\dev\Project1
                   [cl] Contents of C:\DOCUME~1
                   [cl] /c
                   [cl] /clr
                   [cl] /D "WIN32"
                   [cl] /D "_DEBUG"
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
                   [cl] /Fd"c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
                   [cl] /Fo"c:\dev\Project1\Propject2\Debug\\"
                   [cl] /Fp"c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
                   [cl] /Yu"StdAfx.h"
                   [cl] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
                   [cl] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
                   [cl] /D "_MBCS"
                   [cl] Starting 'cl (@"C:\DOCUME~1
\Temp\tmp125E.tmp" /EHsc /W3 /MTd /Zi /Od /nologo)' 
in 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject2'
                   [cl] AssemblyInfo.cpp
                   [cl] Propject2.cpp
                   [cl] Generating Code...
                   [rc] 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
\Debug\app.res' does not exist, recompiling.
                   [rc] Compiling "c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
\app.rc" to "c:\dev\Project1\Propject2\Debug\app.res".
                   [rc] Starting 'rc (/v /fo"c:\dev\Project1
\Propject2\Debug\app.res" "c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
\app.rc" )' in 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject2'
                   [rc] Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource 
Compiler Version 5.2.3668.0
                   [rc] Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  
All rights reserved.
                   [rc] Creating c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
                 [link] PDB file 'c:\dev\Project1
\Debug\Propject2.pdb' does not exist, relinking.
                 [link] Linking 16 files.
                 [link] Contents of C:\DOCUME~1
                 [link] /OUT:"c:\dev\Project1
                 [link] /DEBUG
                 [link] /PDB:"c:\dev\Project1
                 [link] /nologo
                 [link] "kernel32.lib"
                 [link] "user32.lib"
                 [link] "gdi32.lib"
                 [link] "winspool.lib"
                 [link] "comdlg32.lib"
                 [link] "advapi32.lib"
                 [link] "shell32.lib"
                 [link] "ole32.lib"
                 [link] "oleaut32.lib"
                 [link] "uuid.lib"
                 [link] "odbc32.lib"
                 [link] "odbccp32.lib"
                 [link] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
                 [link] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
                 [link] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
                 [link] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject2
                 [link] Starting 'link (@"C:\DOCUME~1
UG)' in 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject2'
 [solution] Copying references:
 [solution] Fixing up references...
 [solution] Building 'Propject3' [Debug] ...
               [attrib] No matching files or directories found.
                   [cl] 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
\Debug\Propject3.pch' does not exist, recompiling.
                   [cl] PCH out of date, recompiling all 
                   [cl] Compiling 1 files to 'c:\dev\Project1
                   [cl] Contents of C:\DOCUME~1
                   [cl] /c
                   [cl] /clr
                   [cl] /D "WIN32"
                   [cl] /D "_DEBUG"
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
                   [cl] /Fd"c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
                   [cl] /Fo"c:\dev\Project1\Propject3\Debug\\"
                   [cl] /Fp"c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
                   [cl] /Yc"StdAfx.h"
                   [cl] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject3\stdafx.cpp"
                   [cl] /D "_MBCS"
                   [cl] Starting 'cl (@"C:\DOCUME~1
\Temp\tmp1262.tmp" /EHsc /W3 /MTd /Zi /Od /nologo)' 
in 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject3'
                   [cl] stdafx.cpp
                   [cl] 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
\Debug\AssemblyInfo.obj' does not exist, recompiling.
                   [cl] 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
\Debug\Propject3.obj' does not exist, recompiling.
                   [cl] Compiling 2 files to 'c:\dev\Project1
                   [cl] Contents of C:\DOCUME~1
                   [cl] /c
                   [cl] /clr
                   [cl] /D "WIN32"
                   [cl] /D "_DEBUG"
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
[cl] /FU "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
                   [cl] /Fd"c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
                   [cl] /Fo"c:\dev\Project1\Propject3\Debug\\"
                   [cl] /Fp"c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
                   [cl] /Yu"StdAfx.h"
                   [cl] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
                   [cl] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
                   [cl] /D "_MBCS"
                   [cl] Starting 'cl (@"C:\DOCUME~1
\Temp\tmp1263.tmp" /EHsc /W3 /MTd /Zi /Od /nologo)' 
in 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject3'
                   [cl] AssemblyInfo.cpp
                   [cl] Propject3.cpp
                   [cl] Generating Code...
                   [rc] 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
\Debug\app.res' does not exist, recompiling.
                   [rc] Compiling "c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
\app.rc" to "c:\dev\Project1\Propject3\Debug\app.res".
                   [rc] Starting 'rc (/v /fo"c:\dev\Project1
\Propject3\Debug\app.res" "c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
\app.rc" )' in 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject3'
                   [rc] Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource 
Compiler Version 5.2.3668.0
                   [rc] Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  
All rights reserved.
                   [rc] Creating c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
                 [link] PDB file 'c:\dev\Project1
\Debug\Propject3.pdb' does not exist, relinking.
                 [link] Linking 16 files.
                 [link] Contents of C:\DOCUME~1
                 [link] /OUT:"c:\dev\Project1
                 [link] /DEBUG
                 [link] /PDB:"c:\dev\Project1
                 [link] /nologo
                 [link] "kernel32.lib"
                 [link] "user32.lib"
                 [link] "gdi32.lib"
                 [link] "winspool.lib"
                 [link] "comdlg32.lib"
                 [link] "advapi32.lib"
                 [link] "shell32.lib"
                 [link] "ole32.lib"
                 [link] "oleaut32.lib"
                 [link] "uuid.lib"
                 [link] "odbc32.lib"
                 [link] "odbccp32.lib"
                 [link] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
                 [link] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
                 [link] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
                 [link] "c:\dev\Project1\Propject3
                 [link] Starting 'link (@"C:\DOCUME~1
UG)' in 'c:\dev\Project1\Propject3'
 [solution] Copying references:


Total time: 4.5 seconds.


Comment By: fredwg (fredwg)
Date: 2006-01-09 11:52

Logged In: YES 

Workaround, is to use build the solution from the command 
line using the <exec> task. The build order within the 
solution will be honored.


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