<property name="my-xml-value" value="${xml::get-value(filepath, xpath)}"/>
Sorry about that.
On 13/01/06,
John Ludlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
And here it is:
<script language="C#" prefix="xml">
<import namespace="System.Xml"/>
public static bool DoesXmlValueExist(string _xmlFile, string _xPath)
XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
string s = xd.SelectSingleNode(_xPath).Value;
catch (NullReferenceException)
return false;
return true;
public static int CountNodes(string _xmlFile, string _xPath)
XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
return xd.SelectNodes(_xPath).Count;
catch(Exception err)
Console.WriteLine("Error (" + err.Message + ") getting match count of query " + _xPath);
throw err;
public static string GetXmlValue(string _xmlFile, string _xPath)
XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
return xd.SelectSingleNode(_xPath).Value;
catch(Exception err)
Console.WriteLine("Error (" + err.Message + ") running getting value of query " + _xPath);
throw err;
public static string GetXmlAsString(string _xmlFile, string _xPath)
XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
return xd.SelectSingleNode(_xPath).InnerXml;
catch(Exception err)
Console.WriteLine("Error (" + err.Message + ") running getting xml of query " + _xPath);
throw err;
public static string GetXmlValueWithoutFailing(string _xmlFile, string _xPath)
string s;
XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
s = xd.SelectSingleNode(_xPath).Value;
s = "";
return s;
I put this into a file called xmlfunctions.incbuild which I <include> into my main project build scripts. You can use the functions as normal like this:
<property name="my-xml-value" value="xml::get-value(filepath, xpath)"/>
JohnOn 12/01/06, John Ludlow < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I also have some functions in a <script> element that can perform various tasks on XML - get the number of matches to a certain query, get the XML children of a certain element, get the value of an XML node (basically like the peek task but using the ${x} syntax, which can be a bit cleaner). I'm at home at the mo, but when I get to work, I'll post the code for it. Nothing clever, really, just darn useful.