Hi Christian,

I've fixed the dynamic assembly issue locally, and commit it to cvs in a few

I'll let you know when I've finished uploading a new nightly build for you
to test.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Christian Birkl
> Sent: donderdag 16 maart 2006 20:03
> To: Michael O'Brien
> Cc: nant-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [nant-dev] Custom tasks from XML / using dynamic 
> assemblies
> Oh i think i forgot to mention you'll propably need the 
> latest nightly-build since there's a new public TaskBuilder() 
> constructor overload which isn't (?).
> Also forgot three other changes, remove the variable 
> "dynAssemblyFileName" and change your calls of 
> DefineDynamicModule and DefineDynamicAssembly w/o the use of 
> a filename. The last one is to change the 
> AssemblyBuilderAccess enum from "RunAndSave" to just "Run". 
> 2006/3/16, Michael O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 
>       Hi Christian,
>       hooking ProcessExit doesn't seem to work, I think 
> because this occurs
>       before the AppDomains are unloaded? Not sure about this 
> but Chris 
>       Brumme has a post at
> http://blogs.msdn.com/cbrumme/archive/2003/08/20/51504.aspx which
>       seems to imply this, if I've read it correctly. In any 
> case, the event 
>       is fired, but the file isn't deleted because there is 
> an open lock on
>       it.
>       There is another old trick used when you want to load 
> an assembly
>       without locking its file, which is to load its contents 
> into a byte 
>       array, then call Assembly.Load(byte[]). The loaded 
> assembly then takes
>       its location from the currently executing assembly (or 
> possibly the
>       primary assembly). Unfortunately NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder 
> is tied quite
>       closely to the assembly's file name, and this doesn't 
> work. Maybe
>       refactoring this class to include a TaskBuilder(Type t) 
> constructor
>       could help here? I'm more than happy to give this a try 
> if it sounds
>       like a good idea. 
>       If you want to have a try yourself, the code is at
>       http://mcobrien.org/files/NantXmlTasks.zip. The code is 
> a bit rough at
>       the moment, but CustomTaskBuilderTask does the 
> Reflection.Emit work,
>       and BaseCustomTask simplifies everything by containing 
> most of the
>       code the custom tasks use.
>       cheers
>       Michael
>       On 14/03/06, Christian Birkl < 
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       > Hi Michael,
>       >
>       > Why not just hook to ProcessExit Event of the current 
> AppDomain?
>       >
>       > AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new 
>       > EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit);
>       >
>       > private void CurrentDomain_ProcessExit(object sender,
>       > EventArgs e) {
>       >  foreach (string myDynAssFile in DynAssFiles)
>       >   System.IO.File.Delete (myDynAssFile);
>       > }
>       >
>       > Or depending on your type of generation method don't 
> use any file based
>       > dynamic assemblies, as far as i remember it is 
> possible to generate "In
>       > Memory" Assemblies (TypeBuilder, MethodBuilder, ...) 
> w/o the need to store 
>       > your assembly to disk.
>       >
>       > Anyway, cool idea :-) Indeed a nice to have feature 
> which would nicely fit
>       > into NAntContrib or better NAnt ;-)
>       >
>       > Christian
>       >
>       > 2006/3/14, Michael O'Brien < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>       >
>       > > Hi everyone,
>       > >
>       > > I'm new on this list, so I hope this it's the right 
> place to discuss
>       > > this, but I've written a custom task that allows 
> buildfile authors to 
>       > > define new tasks using XML (see below for details). 
> It works well, but
>       > > I have one problem: I generate a dynamic assembly 
> when it executes
>       > > which it seems has to be persisted to disk (mainly because 
>       > > TypeFactory.ScanTypeForTasks calls the Location 
> property on my dynamic
>       > > assembly). As such, the assembly is left over on 
> disk when the script
>       > > finishes executing, which is pretty ugly. 
>       > >
>       > > Does anyone know if there is any way to avoid this, 
> either by managing
>       > > to add a task from my dynamic assembly, or ensuring 
> the assembly is
>       > > deleted when the script finishes? 
>       > >
>       > > For the interested, my task works as in the 
> following example -- the
>       > > <customTask> element defines a new task that 
> accepts a list of
>       > > parameters, which are passed to the rest of the 
> <customTask> block 
>       > > when the <logMessage> element appears. We're using 
> it quite a bit in
>       > > some complex scripts we have to refactor otherwise 
> complex targets. If
>       > > you'd like the C# source to this, just ask and I'll 
> put it on a 
>       > > server.
>       > >
>       > > thanks
>       > > Michael
>       > >
>       > > -- example follows:
>       > > <customTask name="logMessage">
>       > >   <parameters>
>       > >      <parameter parameterName="msg" required="true" /> 
>       > >   </parameters>
>       > >
>       > >   <echo message="${msg}"/>
>       > > </customTask>
>       > >
>       > > <logMessage msg="hi there" /> <!-- prints hi there 
> to the console --> 
>       > >
>       > >
>       > > -------------------------------------------------------
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> groundbreaking scripting
>       > language
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> this new coding
>       > territory!
>       > >
>       > 
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>       >

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