
I am working on a generic cpp task, which should support multiple compilers. I already have gcc fully working, and I'm now implementing visual c++.

To support simple configuration of 3rd party libraries, my task has a packages element, which let you specify which packages you want to use:

        <package name = "gtkmm-2.4"/>

With gcc, these packages are resolved using pkg-config.

The problem is that visual studio doesn't have a system like pkg-config. To solve this, I was thinking about creating a pkg-config like system for visual studio myself. The package files would be simple visual c++ 2005 proprety sheets, so that they are fully supported with visual studio by itself. These property sheets should be placed in a folder, and my task will then look up packages in that folder, and use the appropriate property sheets.

What do you think if this?

Now I'm not sure in which folder I should place these property sheets though. I could create a subfolder in the nant directory, but I don't think that would be a good idea, because those files aren't really part of nant itself. I could also create a folder in the root, but that wouldn't be too polite to the user's system. Program Files maybe? Anybody got another suggestion?


Lieven van der Heide

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