
In that case, csc cannot locate the referenced assemblies.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ryan Baxter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <nant-developers@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:57 PM
Subject: [nant-dev] Csc Task Ignoring References

>I have a build script that looks something like the following:
> <target name="compile" description="Compile the source code.">
>    <echo message="Building assembly ${project.name}." />
>    <csc target="library" keyfile="${project.name}.snk" output="${
> output.path}/${project.name}.dll" debug="${build.debug}" verbose="true">
>      <sources>
>        <include name="**/*.cs" />
>      </sources>
>      <references>
>        <lib>
>          <include name="{libraries.path}\some\path" />
>          <include name="{libraries.path}\other\path" />
>        </lib>
>        <include name="Some.dll" />
>        <include name="Other.dll" />
>      </references>
>    </csc>
>  </target>
> When calling this target from NAnt, I get a type or namespace could not be
> found compilation error with the verbose output looking something like the
> following:
> [csc] Output file 'D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Output\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Project.Website.dll' does not exist, rebuilding.
> [csc] Compiling 9 files to 'D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Output\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Project.Website.dll'.
> [csc] Contents of C:\Documents and Settings\genzweb\Local
> Settings\Temp\tmp23E6.tmp.
> [csc] /fullpaths /debug "/define:DEBUG" "/define:TRACE" /nologo
> "/target:library" "/out:D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Output\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Project.Website.dll"
> "/keyfile:D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Source\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Project.Website.snk"
> "D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Source\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Bdp\Form1.aspx.cs"
> "D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Source\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Bdp\Form1.aspx.designer.cs"
> "D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Source\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\DatePicker\DatePicker.aspx.cs"
> "D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Source\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"
> "D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Source\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Properties\VersionInfo.cs"
> "D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Source\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Tmf\Form1.aspx.cs"
> "D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Source\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Tmf\Form1.aspx.designer.cs"
> "D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Source\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Default.aspx.cs"
> "D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Source\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Default.aspx.designer.cs"
> [csc] Starting 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\csc.exe
> (@"C:\Documents and Settings\genzweb\Local Settings\Temp\tmp23E6.tmp")' in
> 'D:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Source\Project 1.0\Project.Website'
> [csc] d:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Source\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Bdp\Form1.aspx.cs(18,7): error CS0246: The type or
> namespace name 'Some' could not be found (are you missing a using 
> directive
> or an assembly reference?)
> [csc] d:\TeamDevelopment\BuildArea\Source\Project
> 1.0\Project.Website\Bdp\Form1.aspx.designer.cs(15,19): error CS0246: The
> type or namespace name 'Other' could not be found (are you missing a using
> directive or an assembly reference?)
> It appears almost as if my references aren't being included as parameters 
> of
> the csc.exe call.  I have other projects that use similar methods for
> compiling without problems.  I've checked my working source directory and
> the build files do include the correct references.  Ideas?  Thanks in
> advance.


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