Thanks Kevin!

I will try this out.



Manjusha Lokhande


From: [] On Behalf Of
Kevin Miller
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 6:50 PM
To: Lokhande, Manjusha
Subject: Re: [nant-dev] PostBuildEvent




I would recommend if possible that you replace the post build step with
NAnt. I like to consolidate all the moving parts of the build process
into one place when possible.  


I typically invoke msbuild from the command line. It seems to be
possible to target the .Net 1.0 framwork with MsBuild by adding the


<!-- you could replace this path with the .Net 2.0 framework if
necessary -->

<property name="msbuild"
value="C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe" />


            <target name="compile-debug" description="Compiles using the
Debug Configuration">

                        <exec program="${msbuild}">

value="${src.dir}/YourSolution.sln" />

                                    <arg value="/v:n" />

                                    <arg value="/p:Configuration=Debug"

value="/p:TargetFrameworkVersion=v1.0" />

                                    <arg value="/p:WarningLevel=0" />

value="/p:SolutionDir=${src.dir}" />




Hope this helps.

Kevin Miller 

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 1:33 AM, Lokhande, Manjusha
<> wrote:

Thanks for the update Kevin!

But actually, I do not wish to execute the PostBuildEvent at all. I want
to skip it. I can do so with MSBuild just passing /p:PostBuildEvent=""
on command line. This prevents the PostBuildEvent to fire. I want to do
the same thing in NAnt. And I cannot use MSBuild because the project is
in .NET framework 1.0.

Can you help me more on this?



Manjusha Lokhande



From: [] On Behalf Of
Kevin Miller
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 7:04 PM
To: Lokhande, Manjusha

Subject: Re: [nant-dev] PostBuildEvent




Whatever you are doing in your post build step could likely be
accomplished by Nant itself. I usually invoke MSBuild to build solutions
and NAnt for everything else. For me this usually involves copying the
msbuild artifacts out of my ./src/<csproject>/bin/Release directories to
a common release folder. 


If you just want a target to execute when your entire NAnt build is
successful you could set the nant.onsuccess property -


I usually reserve nant.on<x> for system level things like
unauthenticating from a server or rolling back a database.

Kevin Miller 

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Lokhande, Manjusha
<> wrote:

Thanks for the response Gert!

Can you or anybody give me some idea how I can achieve this?



Manjusha Lokhande



From: Gert Driesen [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3:05 AM
To: Lokhande, Manjusha;
Subject: Re: [nant-dev] PostBuildEvent


Hi Manjusha,


No, this is not something we currently support in the <solution> task.




From: Lokhande, Manjusha <>  

Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 6:44 AM


Subject: [nant-dev] PostBuildEvent




I have a PostBuildEvent defined in my .csproj file.

But I do not wish to run this event after completing the build through
NAnt. How could I achieve this with NAnt?

Is there any way to bypass PostBuildEvent using NAnt build script?

In case of MSBuild, a PostBuildEvent can be bypassed simply passing an
empty string to a parameter named PostBuildEvent (/p:PostBuildEvent="").

Is anybody aware of such thing in NAnt?

Please HELP!



Manjusha Lokhande





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