On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 4:23 AM, Charles Chan
<cchan...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Hello fellow developers,
> I am the newest addition to the NAnt developers team, let me provide a brief 
> self introduction.
> Current Experience
> ==============
> I am a senior software engineer & mobile team lead at my
> current employment. Mostly I use C/C++/Java code at work, but our compilation
> & release are handled by a combination of shell/NAnt/ant build
> scripts. Additional, we use Hudson for CI.
> Previous Experience
> ===============
> In addition, I have worked on server-side development in the past, using 
> JavaScript, CSS, AJAX, SQL. I also have experience with C#.NET developing 
> desktop applications. In addition, I am familiar with various databases such 
> as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, etc
> Open Source Experience
> ==================
> I have participated in other open
> source projects such as GoogleTest, Hudson, jTDS as well.
> Objective for joining NAnt
> ==================
> 1) A short 0.8x or 0.9x beta/rc release, follow by a stable 1.0 release --
> This is to ensure all the patches from the last few years are
> re-incorporated back into a common tree. It's double maintainence for
> company to have to keep a patched copy of NAnt locally in their SCM
> system. Besides, every contribution helps improve the general user community.

That's good news. Very good news. I hope it's not too late for NAnt to
pick up pace again.

> 2) Add/Remove platform / solution support to keep up with current 
> technologies.
> 2) Compare the changes that has been requested / or
> added in other builds systems -- Evaluate what makes sense to add in a next 
> release.
> What's been done
> =============
> The first order of business for me was to find and setup a stable server for 
> generating CI builds and releases. Thanks to the folks at 
> TeamCity.CodeBetter.com, I was able to register an account for NAnt project 
> there.
> Take a look at http://teamcity.codebetter.com/project.html?projectId=project69
> Help requests
> ==========
> I am ready to generate a new NAnt release (eg. 0.87-rc1), and requires some 
> assistance. If any of you can provide some information, it would be much 
> appreciated.
> 1) What is the proper way to make a release? -- On the CI server, I am 
> current using VS.NET with NAnt.sln. But where are the artifacts?
> 2) On the NAnt homepage, I see the software is described compatible with .NET
> 1.0/1.1/2.0/3.5; Mono 1.0/2.0/3.5, etc... How does NAnt project
> produce one library and make sure it's compatible with all of the above
> platforms? Do you compile with the lowest common denominator (.NET 1.0)? How 
> do you ensure a library works with both .NET and Mono -- simply by
> assuming the CLR is consistently implemented on all platforms? Do you have to 
> compile on both Windows and Linux platforms?

Basically, each time NAnt stopped working on Mono, someone would
report this. A much better way is to test all those configurations
using CI - can you get a Linux box setup up with a TeamCity build
agent? A dream setup would test Mono support on 3 versions - latest
stable (2.6.1 currently), latest in Ubuntu ( currently, other
distributions don't lag so much behind) and svn head (which will fail
from time to time, but allows reporting Mono regressions back to
mono-dev team fast). This doesn't require 3 separate boxes, just Mono
installed into different prefixes (
http://www.mono-project.com/Parallel_Mono_Environments ).

> 3) (related to #2) What is the difference between "Target" and "Runtime" 
> support? eg. .NET Compact Framework 1.0 only has support for "Target", but 
> not "Runtime". Does this simply mean NAnt can only used on a host PC to 
> compile .NET
> CF 1.0 project, and not available as a library to execute on a WM
> device?

Correct. I'd suggest dropping 1.0 as supported "Runtime"
configuration, just leave it as "Target" - just my personal opinion,
many very useful additions to C# language cannot be used in NAnt
because of having 1.0 as supported runtime.

> 4) I see in the trunk, there are files named "nighly.xml" and "release.xml". 
> These sound like they are a bootstrap process, can anyone provide a highlevel 
> overview of how they work? (I haven't read these in much detail.)
> Cheers,
> Charles


Leszek 'skolima' Ciesielski

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