Am 06.05.2011 03:48, schrieb Ryan Boggs:
> Looking forward to hearing your ideas. :)

So here they are :)
Basically I comply with nant roadmap on

As you finished .Net 4.0 support I want to try to get nant running again 
on Teamcity build server. Which might create the nightlies then too. 
Therefore I will ask for joining nant project on sourceforge.

- Other than that one major task for me is to get VS2010 projects 
working with solution task. Since I prefer its output over the 
msbuild.exe one.

- We should think of obsoleting .Net 1.x runtime and require at least 
.net 2.0 (maybe dropping .Net 1.x in 1.0 release)

- We should consider moving to git or hg

- We should check whether we can make nunit task loading nunit.framework 
dynamically as user define. Otherwise we should integrate a nunit task 
which executes nunit.console.exe

- I also need the possibility to add msbuild properties to solution task 
to define a snk file on solution task and not in assebmlyinfo.cs

- I have a patch ready for nantcontrib's vb6 task where a "typelib file 
not found" warning will be created since the entry in vbp looks like 
"scrun.dll\3" (use module 3 in scrun.dll)

So far Dominik

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