First version of new msbuild4 is for review here:
(nice feature this compare view!)

I tested it at net-4.0 hosted on 4.0 with both csproj and vcxproj.
Unfortunatelly I dont have any machine with 2.0+2.0SDK _without_ 4.0 to test
this configuration. Anyone can test this?
Or atleast host nant at 2.0 on machine with 2.0SDK installed.

Besides vcxprojs, which works only on new apis, everything else should work
even for old ones.


-----Original Message-----

Found the problem. The API I am using in NAnt's MSBuild is obsoleted by
Microsoft. It still works well for csprojs, but since vcxproj is new concept
for VS2010 they read those only with new APIs.
It will need quite a big change to our code. I'm in half of it, you can
track mine progress on github :) Basic code should be avaiable tommorow.

Since I myself do not use vcxproj's (yet), I'd like to ask our userbase, if
someone does and is able to do some tests. I guess most users just <exec>
msbuild.exe and do not worry about settings much. Transition to <solution>
is pretty easy and allows finer control over the build process.

Hopefully they will not change API again in 4.5...


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