Apologies. Please disregard, wrong list.

----- Original Message ----
From: sam ch <samc...@yahoo.com>
To: nant-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 1:19:58 PM
Subject: type initializer for 'win32DllPINVOKE' threw an exception


I am new to swig and I am attempting to use it by first creating a simple 
project. Everything compiled correctly, but I get an exception while running. I 
believe it is something simple, but I am just not sure where to look. Any tips 
would be appreciated, thanks.



1. Within VS2005, created a new C++ Win32 DLL project called "win32Dll"
2. Added code files "code.h" and "code.cpp"
3. Within the "code" files, created a function called "getNumber()" which 
returns an integer 5
    int getNumber(){
        return 5;
??? Note: I originally had "__declspec(dllexport)" in the function declaration 
but received an error ("code.h:3: Error: Syntax error in input(1).") ???
4. Built the project which created a "win32Dll.dll"
5. Created "win32_dll.i" which just referenced "code.h"
6. Within Cygwin, ran "swig -csharp -c++ win32_dll.i"
7. Within the "VSS Command Prompt", ran "csc /target:library /out:win32 
Dll_wrap.dll *.cs" which resulted in "Dll_wrap.dll" being created
8. Created a new C# project called "dllTester" and set it as the startup project
9. Added a reference to "Dll_wrap.dll" and called "win32Dll.getNumber()"

Error result: "The type initializer for 'win32DllPINVOKE' threw an exception." 
with InnerException.Message "The type initializer for 'win32DllPINVOKE' threw 
an exception."

***Note: To ensure that my DLL actually works, I was able to get to the 
function to work through InteropServices. 


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