I whole-heartedly agree! Although non-typing will undoubtedly add more
complexity to the NAnt core code, it would, in many instances, simplify
life for the user. The ultimate goal for any software should be to
simplify the life of the user.

Certainly, having the power to use .NET constructs as part of
expressions would be powerful, but that functionality, perhaps, should
only exists as part of the <script> task and the extensibility
capabilities of NAnt. Some rudimentary expression support is good to
extract information for things that NAnt users need. Adding too much
power to expressions is bad because an expression quickly becomes overly
complex making the life of the maintainer very difficult, regardless of
whether the maintainer has programming experience or not.

I like the idea of NAntContrib. A repository containing extra "stuff"
that perhaps should not be part of the main/core distribution. Perhaps
what is needed is a centralized bucket where community members can dump
scripts and custom tasks that could be useful to other people. This
could be a place where NAnt users can use as a powerful reference for
their own custom extensions or simple to get a script that does
something they need. Anyone should be allowed to contribute.

I think expressions have their place because there are many instances
where the use of a function is extremely valuable to extract some
information. Tasks are not very good for this because it's not obvious
that some result of executing the task is that at property is set.
That's the job of the <property> task. If I need to do something complex
and store the result in a property then I should use a script or a
custom function as part of an assembly.

I personally write custom functions when I need to extract information
from something. For example, I have an xml file that lists all of my vss
projects. The <xmlpoke> task would be perfect to get at that
information, but it doesn't support looping easily. So I use a custom
function to mimic the <xmlpoke> task, get the nodeset I need and format
it in a way that allows me to format it with other tasks. Returning a
.NET NodeSet is not very useful but returning some textual
representation is because I can use <foreach> to process each item in
the set. I've seen other people have this need. If I'd had a community
script bank to look into I could've simply used someone's script rather
than write my own. In any case, the expression capability in NAnt allows
me to use the custom function in a way that makes sense because I can
store the output in a property or use it as the value for a task

I some times feel that NAnt is quickly becoming too complex to use, at
the same time the nightly builds have a lot of functionality that is
impossible with earlier versions (custom functions) or bug fixes that
are necessary for correct execution... I put up with the complexity
because I have to rather than because I want to!


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Merrill
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 9:01 AM
Subject: [Nant-users] Typed Properties

When I saw earlier posts about typed properties, I didn't pay much
attention.  Since typed languages are a Generally Good Thing, adding
typed properties to NAnt sounded like a good thing too.  Now, after my
run in with the assembly/assemblyname beast, I'm not so sure.

The typing mechanism in typed languages carries a _lot_ of baggage:
type hierarchies, implicit/explicit type conversion, type
incompatibilities, and so on.  

On the other hand, scripting languages such as shell scripts, Perl, and
the original NAnt don't have types.  Instead, everything tends to be
passed around as a string and interpreted as something else (e.g., "123"
is really an integer) based on context.  It is this lack of explicit
typing that makes scripting languages so easy to use (at least for
simplier work).

I worry that if NAnt were to add typing, instead of that being one step
forward, it might be one step over the edge of a cliff.

Take a look at the assembly::* and assemblyname::* functions.  

While load-from-file() represents a true action, all of the others
basically extract string information (or could be defined to extract
string information) from an assembly (e.g., name, full name, version,
URI, URL, etc.)  What usefulness does all of this typing baggage bring
to those functions?  Talking in vague generalities about all of the
"power" of the notation is beside the point.  For what NAnt users need
_now_, what does that typing add other than total confusion?

I would agrue that we need to consolidate typeless, string-oriented NAnt
for now, and only move into the power (and complexities) of a typed
system later.  If nothing else, a typed system is going to require one
_heck_ of a lot more documentation than a half line of text after each
function name.


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